
The language is really interesting: They can't unrape you. It's as if once a woman is raped, there's no point in doing anything because what's done can't be undone. It's not like robbery, where they can recover the stolen goods, so what's the point? She's damaged goods now, and always will be, so why ruin a man's life

This is Jian Ghomeshi. The guy never saw a simple sentence that he couldn't lengthen to an interminable paragraph. He likes the sound of his own pretentious voice too much to keep it simple.

I'm a not Toronto-based Canadian and I've always thought Ghomeshi was a douchebag. I think I'm one of the few who really dislikes his interviewing style. He strikes me as pretentious and self-absorbed. He did an interview with Gord Downey of the Hip and I kept wanting to scream "SHUT UP AND LET GORD TALK!" I

Check out this line:

Thank you so much for writing this, Erin/responding to my crazed tweet last night in which I asked if you were planning on doing the same. Sorry to re-post what I wrote in the comments on today's DB, but my thoughts haven't changed much, also I need to get this arbitration brief index done by the end of the day, and

In addition to being a creep, this guy is a terrible writer. "Specter of Mud"? What?

You cannot name a magazine she has not been in !!!!!!!!!!!1111

It's not that a bank account isn't a welcome addition to the whole package...

I've always wondered what kind of confidence (or is it arrogance?) it takes for a person to assume that others are going to be cool with their murderous activities.

My standard? You mean people who don't lecture me about how "aware" they are right after making a truly dense, ignorant, insensitive and quintessentially unaware statement?

A friend's husband went to an auction and bought a miniature portrait of a lovely blue-eyed, blond-haired woman because her dress matched the wallpaper in the very nice closet that my friend had an architect design in their new home. It was a thoughtful and sweet gift by someone who clearly wanted to make his wife

White privilege in a nutshell: I don't have to think about race all the time, so why are THEY always making everything about race?

I know! It's not like most of the world is non-white or anything...oh, wait. Well, anyway, you're right - these WOC need to stop whining about being represented all the time! I mean, representation and the constant focus on white people and their accomplishments (even those that aren't really their accomplishments but

I think it eroded the skill to create imagined faces. Actually, if you look at 19th century painters in general the ability to imagine faces well was already dwindling horribly (look at the inept drawing of eyes in Courbet, the cartoonish reliance on perfectly round eyes in Jacques Louis David and, to a lesser extent,

*headdesk* at how this thread has become exactly what the author was trying to avoid.

Oh, ok, so since I'm light-skinned it means I'm not a "Real Jew" in your estimation?? FYI- I can trace my family's roots back almost a THOUSAND YEARS and reassure you that yup, we're ALL JEWISH. Maybe you don't understand how offensive your remark comes across- well, in one fell swoop you've cut down my entire

That still doesn't change the fact that nobody is harmed in that statement and taking offense to it is silly. Unless you really want to talk about your Jew-fro and are feeling censored, I don't know what to tell you. The author was relating exasperation at people not privy to a particular struggle trying to insert

Maybe we can expand the definition of "people of color" and "experiences" so that nobody will ever feel left out when we have a discussion about them ever again.

I'm over here just trying to figure out if I'm non-white enough by your standard. Oh, wait: it doesn't matter because this post is a discussion of the black experience, as explained by the original author.

Ok, Jez, please change the headline to say: