
Being shot in Times Square was a myth. Getting hooked into a 3 card monte game was much more likely. Commuters flooded the area in the morning until around 9:30am and again from 5-7pm. The riff-raff kept to themselves except for the occasional barker for strip shows or some rando trying to sell fake pot (“Cince” was

And he never saw it coming because the words ‘reverse’ and ‘psychology’ are too big for his vocabulary so he’ll never know what they mean. Clinton is playing him.

It’s also funny to hear them try to downplay our demographic, too!-- As if Educated Women were a tiny wee niche special-interest group that only meets on Twitter, whose fringe opinions don’t matter even one whit in the big-boy game. Like saying it over & over again will make it true.

Yeah! Remember when she interrupted him by yelling, “wrong!” over him calmly explaining his policy positions? SO rude of her...she’s definitely the thin skinned one. *eyeroll*

my favorite parts were when Hillary gave a strong Jim from the Office look to camera

I know! I was enraged when I kept hearing that reasoning from news anchors. I listened to a podcast that had CBS News John Dickerson on, and he said that it’s the job of the candidates to fact check each other. Just...What? The Trump supporters think that Clinton is a liar; so, what good is it if she fact checks him?

My husband looked over at me and was like, “Hillary’s not doing very well so far”.

Are they saying that implicit bias doesn’t exist? Like, that’s a fact. There have been many studies? I have found this whole election to be confusing. I don’t understand the appeal of Trump. I genuinely don’t. Like, when he speaks all I can think is “what an asshole.” He reminds me of every insecure, arrogant bully

I made the mistake of looking at Fox News this morning, and there’s a piece that says Lester Holt was “in the tank” for Hillary because he (barely) fact checked Trump (and because he let slide her “gaffe”(!!!!) about the existence of implicit bias). Then it goes on to detail all the fact-checking done by other outlets


“Downright disrespectful” would be a step up for this bigoted, misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, sexist mother-fucking asshole. I HATE him so much.

Reality has a liberal bias.

I saw a tweet that said that she was wearing a suit made from the blood of men who had underestimated her.

I was at the gym Sunday and the tv in front of me was on fox news. The caption to the segment was literally “should moderators fact-check the debates? Could appear partisan” I was blown away. Like, seriously? This doesn’t bother anyone? That facts are viewed as unfair to their candidate? What has happened to the world?

And they asked him for examples and he couldn’t give any. He said she was offensive. I so wanted Scott Pelly to be like okay so you have no examples.

Mike Pence had the gall to complain that Hillary constantly insulted Trump. Since when is calling someone out on their lies considered an “insult”?


The Mansplaining. The Goddamn Mansplaining. Donald was downright disrespectful. Jesus.

This woman bothers me so much. I studied the Victorian era extensively in school and she’s “living” in one very tiny aspect of it. Of COURSE she would choose to be a wealthy woman instead of dealing with the horrific poverty of the time. It’s myopic yet completely unsurprising.

I understand why this was an upsetting experience, but tattoo artists refuse jobs all the time for all sorts of reasons. Many have a no necks, no hands policy - it’s quite common. And, as you discovered, what’s off-limits to one artist is totally okay with another - you were able to get exactly what you wanted in the