I don't believe you're sorry at all.
I don't believe you're sorry at all.
Then you'll be relieved to know that literally nobody is arguing or has ever argued that employers should be forced to provide birth control to women.
I'm not that well read when it comes to US law but can this go to the Appeal's Court right?
Covering up child rape? 'Cuz THAT is apparently cool with Catholics, but no, not birth control, that would be eeeevvviiilll, even though 90% of Catholic women have been on BC at some point. The traditional catholic dudes are totally out of touch.
I'm torn on that stuff. I got into a (very mild) kerfuffle with a friend's girlfriend who was questioning vaccines. I guess that's where I draw the line, facebook-wise. I still avoided her for a few months.
"I cracked my jaw on a penis 1 foot long, oh-da-doo-da-day"
Dick down ladies sing this song, doo-da doo-da.
Nope. But when I was there, liberal priests who were more prominent and visible on campus kind of downplayed the whole "no birth control" thing and played up the whole "social justice/community" thing.
There's this thing called google. You type in what you're looking for and google uses magic and finds your answer.
To be honest I don't see the difference. I mean, I do, but it's such complete BS in both cases. My antitheism grows and grows.
You realize that this whole idea that women need to keep their legs shut (because we are the only ones who make babies, right?) also means you men don't get laid.
"Problem is, nonprofits that have been offered that workaround have said that signing a slip of paper objecting to birth control, thus enabling their employees to obtain birth control via other means, violates their religious freedom because it's a tacit endorsement of birth control/murder/sluts/slutmurder."
This is…
I'm confused — what's wrong with the University of Leeds?
I know a guy who followed his high school girlfriend there. It didn't end well.
I made the mistake of taking this to FB this morning, which resulted in a concerned call from my mom saying to be nice and don't call names. I mean, yes, it's rude to call someone an idiot. I can and should do better. But it's hard to stay calm and collected about this issue, especially when the person (my cousin)…
Huh, and here I thought the best birth control was enslaving all the men and converting all the women to lesbianism. At least, that's what it said in the pamphlet I got from the Feminist Agenda.
Of course Wheaton College is on this list, they used to ban dancing.
Please go shop at Michaels - even though their cashiers make less than those at Hobby Lobby - you won't be supporting a company that is so evil it only include 16 types of birth control on its insurance plan. Que Horror.
The best birth control is putting the dick down ladies
The sad thing is, I'm a mathy type lady, so I'd probably be into that. You know what Les Miserables needed? Another thousand pages added on the front comparing and contrasting French debtors prisons to other law enforcement systems throughout history. Damn thing was nigh unreadable without the statistics. How am I…