
As long as it's right for her, and she's ready to accept the consequences, I don't see how it can be a stupid one.

So interupting a police officer is now a criminal offense worthy of this level of violence? If you're going to arrest her, fine, but throwing an unarmed, unresisting person on the ground and kicking them is not how a civilized police force acts. Of course "civilized police force" is a bit of a stretch as it is.

Right?! I mean, "OMG tattoos are gross", cool story and all ... but I dislike a lot of personal style choices that are favoured by the mainstream, but you don't see me spouting someone's personal choices as "awful". Someone chooses to look a way you don't like? Welcome to the human race!

It seems to have gone downhill lately, or is that just how I see it? Popularity brings everybody to the table. Everybody. *shrugs*

Well, to break it down to "people can't have an opinion" you do know that if you just spouted anything you want here you would get banned eventually. MRA's just have an opinion. Bigoted fucks just have an opinion. Yeah we like opinions here, even different ones when they add something! But the constant "am I the only

Not here to yell at you, I agree it is an article about tattoos and as such I would expect comments about tattoos. Not just this specific tattoo and not just pro-tatt. I just wanted to say that I've thought about tatts a lot over the last few years. I got my first and only one when my grandfather died - a significant

YAS! When someone says something negative about my tattoos they get one of these.

Me personally, I don't mind, as my tattoo is in Farsi and people are curious about the translation . I also don't think quotes (even in English) or words are weird to ask about. However, I want to get a bird tat, and I could conceivably see being annoyed at randos asking what it means to me. Yes, I'm getting it for

The officer is completely incompetent. Did you listen to the tape? Why the hell was he arguing with her? He's a trained police officer. A big part of their job involves de-escalating tense situations, and most of them are taught techniques about gaining compliance and cooperation from people who treat the police with

I'm so not surprised you don't know who she was.

Um...I didn't. I suggested that at least objecting on some critical grounds would be a useful opinion.

My mother "invested" in both of my younger brothers first tattoos because then she could veto a dumb idea. They didn't put up a fight because they weren't paying for it.

And you are breathtakingly clueless about your own narcissism if you think you have any right to opine about what other people choose to do with their bodies. You don't even have anything constructive to add (tattoos are awful because of cultural appropriation, or similar), you just seem to think your opinion on how

It's literally the safest place to get tattooed, as your hair can just grow over it.

The problem is that we live in a country were we now believe it's perfectly acceptable for a police officer to become violent with non-violent offenders.

He was politely and respectfully singling out the black woman while ignoring white people who were behaving the same way.

She was jaywalking on a college campus. There was no real law enforcement need for him to be making the demands he was of her. Why does he need to see her ID? She wasn't perfect, but there was no need for the officer to let that situation get as out of control as it was. Obviously she was agitated for being

So not being super duper nice means you deserve to get your ass beat? This is why we now live in a near police state.

So the police force is a breeding ground for people who enjoy violating the civil rights of others, degrading, humiliating them and exercizing violence and abusing others while in a position of power?

When a campus cop tells a woman hes going to slam her on the car if she doesnt obey him, and the college thinks thats perfectly ok, there is seriously something very wrong with that college.