Oh yeah! My parents smack me around all the time, but not to worry! They're just foreigners ;) (It seriously sounds like an SNL skit)
Oh yeah! My parents smack me around all the time, but not to worry! They're just foreigners ;) (It seriously sounds like an SNL skit)
People from Maine have lots of lobsters, lobsters when you boil them become red, red is the colour of communism. Q.E.D. people from Maine are communists and clearly not american.
I ran a parenting class, where many of the mothers were newcomers. Some were required to attend the class because how they disciplined their children "back home", isn't acceptable in Canada. As a child of immigrants who also used corporal punishment as a disciplinary method, I understood the confusion.
Us foreigners love abusing children! It's like a wacky hobby that we all share!
If you think driving a PVC pipe into a kid's chest is something your parents would do, and normal, I urge you to discuss this with someone.
There's always one of you.
Actually, from a developmental psychology standpoint, this is a great way to handle this situation. Adults often project onto kids of this age their own consciousness of what a lie is. Children of this age lie opportunistically but they aren't conscious of their lies the way that adults or older kids are. At this age…
What if greenscreen fluffers are everywhere in real life...and we just don't see them? What if things go missing because the GS Fluffers move them...
They unionized?
Done it. Not that fun under hot studio lights.
Times are tough for the Blue Man Group.
He's still in the warm up phase, just wait a bit.
Maybe they can join Macaulay Culkin's The Pizza Underground.
If he could be arrested for bad acting, Transformers would have ended ten minutes in.
Me too! I was all "that understudy is going to dine out on this story for DECADES."
That would have been such an Eliot Stabler move!
And, to be fair, if Shia Labeouf were starring in Cabaret then the police would be justified in arresting him every night.
She wasn't actually putting the responsibility on women. She was making a joke about the fact that men don't notice that women have that responsibility put on them (unfairly), while they get to worry about things like people drawing on their faces while they're passed out drunk.
It seemed pretty obvious to me that it was satire. Cover your friend with a blanket, bring extra shoes in case you need to change so you can run for your life, always be ready to jump out of a moving cab? Those aren't serious tips, yo. Those are making fun of the bullshit "don't get yourself raped" tips.