
How did you end up changing from those beliefs? David Icke is pretty out there even for new age. I'm curious what drew you into those beliefs and then what changed and made you stop believing them... It always seems to me like people with those out-there beliefs are so adamant about it that they would never change. So

Yes there are studies showing that trans folks have differences in their brains.

The guy she slept with is Bennett from Orange is the New Black! How could she not leave her number?!?

At first I thought that woman was sitting, and the dress was really ugly. Now I realize she is standing, and the dress is SOOOO much worse! How could anyone think this is okay?

I wasn’t into the shower one, but this lying in bed one is pretty f-ing hot.

Hi, you realize my comment was sarcasm? I’m firmly pro-vaccine. And of course I don’t believe that being dead is better than being autistic.

I thought the same thing about that book scene!! Who reads like that, it would give you a horrible neckache! Also her kimono really annoys me. I get that she’s going for “sexy wife.” But no one looks that good sitting around reading at home. Also she is not exactly the book-reading type to begin with.

Yes. She’s smiling, totally cold, not even looking at him... can’t even muster some emotion of her own, like “I’m so sorry that we had to meet again like this.” She’s very blame-y. Not even beginning to acknowledge that there could be structural reasons for where he ended up.

Exactly. “Wow, I wonder where our paths differed... it’s a complete mystery to me why I’m the judge and you’ve been arrested for robbery...”

Actually I found her really condescending and cold. His reaction was certainly emotional and sad, but she was actually smiling! She had zero emotion and almost seemed smug.


I do. And my text tone is broken so i routinely don’t see texts for hours. I actually do stuff other than stare at a phone, isn’t that crazy?

My ex ghosted me a week after I got an abortion that HE convinced me to get. The kid would be 12 now and ghosting wasn’t a word back then. It would have been a fuck of a lot less painful if I’d had a word for it. (we were also in the midst of moving out of the country together so it was easy for him to disappear)

My ex and I decided to move to Spain together. I packed up all my shit, moved out of my apt, and we went to his mom’s for a visit before we left. While we were there, I found out I was pregnant (he was supposed to pull out and didn’t, one time). I wanted to have the kid, but he convinced me to get an abortion.

Yes. And half the women I know who were going to do a “home birth” took the fastest cab to the hospital as soon as the pain got too bad or there was a complication or... shockingly often... their mid-wife didn’t show up and/or was incompetent! When I have a baby, hook me up with anything that will make me more

The real story here is that my respect for Denise Richards just tripled, finding out that she took Charlie Sheen to court to get her kids vaccinated. I would not have pegged her as smarter than Bill Mahar on this one... glad some celebs still understand science or at least listen to doctors.

I really want someone to explain this to me. How/why do your parents think their marriage will be destroyed? I have never seen any conservative actually spell out how this will harm them or their marriage.

That is totally me. I can’t even imagine how much more my head would be exploding if I were Black.

She has been doing this for 10 years, in addition to claiming that their adopted son is her biological son. It sounds like they are also estranged. I can see the parents just being like “eff this.” For one thing, she was claiming in the press that she was physically abused and that’s why her parents were smearing her?

Black people had to fight to maintain their culture, including cornrows. At times they were not even allowed to have certain styles (or practice their religion, music, dance, etc etc). It is a matter of fucking RESPECT to not appropriate those things. While to some people it might be less offensive to appropriate