
Fascinating comment! I used to be a studio art major, and I always noticed that the drawings I did of my friends from life were so much better than the ones I did from photos, even if the photo-based drawings had better shading and seemed objectively better. The from-life ones are the only ones I hang on my wall or

She had a good supporting role in Into the Wild... I haven't seen her in anything else, but she could definitely act in that movie. That was before Twilight, though.

Thank you! I have been wondering if I had ADD or something! I asked my friend about this and he said GIFs never bother him, so maybe it's not everyone. #notallGIFs Sometimes I have to cover them up with my hand in order to keep reading.

I'm with you about the nipples, I'm constantly cold and I hate people staring at them. I recently got a couple of Victoria's Secret bras that are amazing (I used to hate them but I tried them again out of desperation and they fit way better). They have that molded shape but they also have a layer of lace that kind of

If you look up white bread in the dictionary, you see a picture of Blake Lively. She doesn't even have a sex tape or a reality show...

Can't stop laughing. Best fanfic ever.

I like Eric's new "IDGAF" personality, and his flashbacks are the best thing True Blood has ever done. Also a bunch of annoying characters got killed off really fast. :)

I've been reading the Jez since 2011-ish... but I've heard about the MPDG a lot. And not just here.

It has been really annoying the last few seasons but last week's episode was literally one of my favorites ever. Especially the flashbacks. I couldn't stop laughing.

Because signs all must be 100% realistic. I actually never use public restrooms because the people on the signs don't have feet — or FACES — and I don't want to go into a restroom where a psychotic killer is going to remove my extremities and face with a chainsaw.

I think everyone understands that people may use the gender-neutral/handicapped bathroom when they want more privacy or for whatever reason. They lock and they're private. I used to use those bathrooms to do drugs in, but I'm guessing a lot of people like the privacy, they need a sponge bath, whatever. I don't think

The only Tristan I ever met was a guy I met in rehab. He had been a huge meth addict for years and was kind of a dick. I ended up in his outpatient group afterward, and that's when I found out that he'd been in a poly relationship with two women for several years; the women eventually fell in love with each other and

I meant my previous comments on this article. If you click on anyone's username, you can see their previous comments on anything. This is what I commented, approximitely:

She definitely wasn't well off. She sold everything and didn't have any rent to pay while she was on the trail, she didn't have a car or any expenses, and she'd managed to save up enough for the gear and stuff. No one helped her and she was making minimum wage, I don't think you can get more broke than that. She had

Read my previous two comments. I'm sick of trying to tell judgmental people that the book is good. No it's not anything like Into The Wild, in any way.

No no no it's not like Eat Pray Love at ALL, and she isn't rich by a long shot. She grew up on food stamps and welfare with an emotionally and physically abusive father. After her mother got her away, they lived in a cabin in the woods with no electricity and no running water through high school, then her mother died

Um, she isn't like that. Yes she is white, but she grew up on food stamps, with a physically and emotionally abusive father, waitressed her way through (most of) college... she was dirt poor growing up. The book is not about conquering the wilderness, at all. It's about getting her strength back after her mother dies,

Sorry to be that person, but that's not the Oxford comma. The Oxford comma is when you have a list of three or more items, and you put a comma between all of them. It's the last comma in this sentence: "Ladies love dick, pussy, and everything in between." AP Style and some other style guides say to skip the comma. I

Read my reply to another person on this thread... I have cousins who went to Wheaton North in the 90s, and the stuff they went through was insane compared to my suburban high school... always wondered if it was because of the crazy Christians and oppression.