
That's a different Wheaton College. The crazy Christian one is in Wheaton, IL. The one you're talking about is on the West Coast. I have relatives in Wheaton, IL and I have a friend who went to the East Coast college. Totally different. The IL college is craayyy...

My dad is from Wheaton and his sister and her family still live there. She's a piano teacher, and she wasn't even allowed to teach at Wheaton because she was going to have to sign the "no dancing, no card games, etc" contract. Also, based on my cousins' experience growing up, Wheaton and all its Christians is WAY more

Thank you! I miss David Tennant! (good comment, too. lol)

Best comment on this thread. I love the image of wading through 2000 pages of statistics to make sure that every story includes all possible context. lol

You think someone's wrinkly neck at age 50+ will look worse with a tattoo? No. Wrinkly skin is wrinkly with or without a tattoo. Also, neck tattoos are in the extreme minority. Even people with tons of tattoos usually avoid the neck. If I live to be 80 years old, the way my tattoos look will be DEAD LAST on the list

Beautiful comment! I totally agree about old people with tattoos! None of us are going to look amazing when we're 80, and tattooed skin doesn't get more wrinkly/old than non-tattooed skin. Personally if I saw an older person with a tattoo, I would see them as more of a person, because i would be able to identify with

Personally I don't understand why people care when asked about their tattoos. I have a quote as a tattoo and it doesn't bother me at all when people ask about it. If it bothered me, I wouldn't have gotten a quote tattooed on my forearm! Also, I get curious about what other people's tattoos mean, but I usually don't

This is fascinating! I want to think of more examples like this.

Thank you! This is similar to mental disorders — it's bad form to call someone a "schizophrenic" rather than "person with schizophrenia." I never quite got why that was so bad until Jodi Arias was in the news — I have borderline personality disorder, and it really got to me how people kept referring to her as "a

This was from Twitter. Character limits mean that even people with perfect grammar/spelling end up abbreviating words.

Yeah the hygiene stuff drove me insane. The tiny little toothbrush with bristles made out of the least bristly stuff imaginable... like brushing your teeth with a wet noodle. And then this tiny tiny amount of toothpaste. My teeth felt soooo gross the whole time. I tried to avoid washing my hair because I was in for

I haven't seen it, but I've been thinking about starting. I have gotten the impression from the media that it's pretty realistic, I think. As far as makeup, if you watch the prison shows on MSNBC (they're like documentaries that follow one or two prisoners for a while), the girls often make eyeliner from pencils or

Oh okay good, I'm glad at least that it was contraband. I was in a minimum security place and it was for less than a week each time, so I didn't have visitors... in prison you do get more stuff than in jail, but I know makeup is still not allowed.

Okay I have never seen this show but as someone who has spent time in jail, I have a few gripes: What's with the makeup?? There is NO MAKEUP in jail/prison. People use pencils and stuff for eyeliner but I've never seen any lipstick substitutes. Also, what's with the styled, pretty hair?? In the center picture at the

Many many studies have shown the the less someone makes, the more they tip. I have observed this in my many service industry jobs, and so have my friends. And there's a lot of research. I've had people tip $2 for a $150 check. People who make less money are more conscious of how broke the server probably is.

Most servers don't work in a good restaurant. As the article said — if you read it — this system would work best in chain restaurants and midrange places for lunch. 20 percent of food sales is basically what they would be making anyway, if people tipped well — the only place where they might make less is somewhere

Did you even read his response to your comment? He explained what "race baiting" means, and it doesn't mean calling everyone a racist. It means using loaded terms and then denying being a racist. He already explained it in his response so I'm not going to repeat it all here.

She never said all women live in fear all the time. Compared to my female friends and acquaintances, I am much less afraid. I've spent years wandering around strange neighborhoods in large cities, often at night, having adventures and exploring. But the more things happen — sexual advances, groping, very close calls

Thank you for this post. I wish every man could read this. I have had experiences like these, and much worse, and every woman I know has had similar experiences. (If she hasn't, it's because she's still 15 years old; but she will eventually.) I think it's just really hard for men to conceptualize what it's like. I am

When I was married, I tried that a lot... didn't work. So many guys would say things like, "Well, he's not here right now!" or they would just continue with their pick-up lines. I couldn't fucking believe it.