
Yeah, I've heard it has a cool scene... so does Minneapolis, but I guess I'm one of those snobs who only likes the coasts... the extreme weather, mosquitos, and flatness always gets to me in the middle part. I absolutely love the Weakerthans, though!

Yeah I guess you're right. I remember trying to wake up to see the sunrise one summer, I woke up at 5:30 or something and it was already completely light.

Well if you wake up at 5 or 6, you're already waking up in the dark for much of the year. I would love to wake up with the sun, but if that's the only reason for sun in the morning, I would just get one of those clocks you talk about so that I could still enjoy it in the evening.

I noticed that too. I have had 3 abortions (my two abusive exes forced me to abort each time I got pregnant because they refused to wear a condom and I can't take birth control)... and even for the normal, 1st trimester ones, they give you Vicodin and usually a benzo, even though the pain isn't that bad and it takes

Wait... I just checked out his FB and read some of the comments, and was utterly disgusted at what people were saying, but I didn't see anyone claiming Kim was running the page. What WAS funny was that the page is clearly run mostly by some PR person, because half the time they say "Thurston Moore is playing tonight

Having been to Winnipeg, Manitoba (I know, not the same, but neighbors) I don't think any benefit would make it even a little worth it — other than maybe winning the Canadian lottery, if such a thing exists. I grew up in Minnesota and I thought I had experienced hellish mosquitos who torment you 24/7... until I went

Best comment I've read all day!

You must have never experienced insomnia. I take a handful of various sleeping meds at 10 pm and I still can't fall asleep until 2 am. Taking the meds sooner doesn't help if my body isn't acclimated to that time zone. That said, I don't complain about time changes because I get shitty sleep no matter what so I

"Over"?? Where do you live?? By the time DST comes back in the fall, it doesn't make a difference unless I can wake up at later than 8-9 am (9 am at winter solstice, even with standard time). This is the case for about the northern 1/3 of the country.

Seriously! I wake up 1-2 hours earlier on some days depending on if I have to take a longer shower or if I have to study for a test or finish homework. I also have insomnia so half the days I only get 4-6 hours of sleep. If I sleep less than 5 hours I feel like crap, but it doesn't ruin my day or anything, let

"His boy's body sways in the wind. Two hundred and ten million years of desire wash through me. But sex is a substitute, like money or language. Sometimes I just want to stop seeing." -Anne Carson, "Plainwater"

OP didn't say we would have to wake up when our clock said 7 am regardless of where the sun is, they meant that everyone's clock would read the same thing. So if the sun rose at 2 am in my time zone, I would start work around 3 am instead of at 8 am. If the sun rose at 10 pm, I would start work at 11 pm. If you

That doesn't mean you would have to get up at 2 am, you clock would SAY 2 am, but you would get up whenever would be "normal" for your area, so a little before sunrise, or something. Having the clocks say the same thing would make a lot of things easier... all people would have to do would be to learn the sunrise/set

Sunrise that far north is actually around 4:30 in the summer. I grew up in Minneapolis, which is a little south of where Seattle is (by latitude, anyway), and we had 4:30 am sunrises. Same with here in Oregon. I spent a summer near Ketchikan, AK and the sun rose around 3:30 am in the summer... it was crazy, I loved

I don't have kids (yet). I also have had horrible insomnia for YEARS. I don't complain about it on FB all that much, but when I have, I have never gotten that from a parent, and I have many parent friends. I have written about insomnia a lot on my blog (as part of other entries, not just complaining entries!) and

Most people already have to get up in the pitch black of night for at least half of the year. I wake up at 6 or 7 am, which means I'm waking up in the dark from October until about now. You must live in the South or wake up after 8 am... I am actually a morning person and I love sun in the mornings, but if I had to

I think that's a great idea. There have been a ton of studies showing that kids naturally stay up late and thus get horrible sleep and can't pay attention... these studies were common over 15 years ago when I was still in high school and had to be ready at the bus stop at 6:15 am to get to school at 7:10 am, and then

Anywhere north of about the 40th parallel in the US — so NYC, Boston, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and many other cities — the sun rises at 8:30 am or later in the winter. Where I grew up the sun rose at 9 am at the winter solstice and set at 4:15 pm. At that point I had already been in school for 2 hours. I already

In much of the country it doesn't get dark until 9 am in the winter. I had to wait for the school bus in the dark for 90% of high school because school started at 7:10 am. So 10 am would have been no different and I would have had more time in the afternoon. It gets dark after 8 am anywhere north of about the 40th

That's ridiculous — for one thing, anywhere north of the middle of the country, the kids will still be going to school in the dark. In Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, Wisconsin, Michigan, PN, NYC, Boston etc, it gets light around 9 am in the winter, and even elementary kids don't go to school later than that. When I