
My son is a high quality person

Well, if he’s that serious about emulating Napoleon, I’m up for sending Bannon to a desolate island to spend the rest of his life in the company of some scary green wallpaper.

“Maine’s fun-loving Republican governor Paul LePage implied that he makes up stories to confuse the press; in a radio interview, he also said “the sooner the print press goes away, the better society will be.” 

As a mom of two little ones, my husband better have some nice lady locked down within a year. He can’t do this shit alone.

Putin will bring menstruating women with him into a meeting to scare Trump.

How I expect the Trump/Putin meeting to go down:

In the wise words of John Cleese,

You see, it WAS great, but then a black guy took over for 8 years, rendering it decidedly NOT great. And now we have to make America great AGAIN. Like it was before the black guy.

That is straight up “let them eat cake”. He’s lucky we decided to forgo guillotine technology in this country.

Or, he might be a selfish asshole with zero concern for the people of his state, who paid for those sweet perks.

Ironic or just plain ignorant when a man carrying the colors of a treasonous army calls himself a patriot?

Exactly right - the term Pennsyltucky was coined for a reason. As James Carville said, “Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between.”

Having grown up in Philadelphia, it is well-known amongst locals that the further out/away from the city you go, the greater the likelihood of running into extremists...Aryan Nation members and Supremacy groups. Pennsylvania is weird that way. So I do think that race is a factor here. I DON’T think that if this guy

I just read this on the NYT site, and jumped over here. Are you effing kidding me? This is the president of the United States? Just when I think nothing could shock anymore, the vulgarity, the crassness, and violence reach new and more degraded lows. I’m so embarrassed for all of us.

Anyone who chooses the word “patriot” as their primary descriptor (and who probably throws around the word “liberty” a lot) is probably a simpleton.

I’m also against desecrating graves of anyone, but does he know the confederates lost at Gettysburg?

Trump is the fat guy who wears a t-shirt that says “No Fat Chicks!”.