
For someone who spent 8 years, and an entire campaign, bitching and moaning about how useless President Obama was; how ineffective a president he was, and how little he accomplished while he was always on vacation and golfing....

Trump has spent a considerable amount of time and effort undoing all of these Obama-era

“President Obama established the Council in 2009"

Trump seems to be obsessed with women’s blood/women’s bleeding in a disturbing way. Has anyone else commented on this or consulted a psychological expert for further insight? Seriously.

So did the majority of American voters, but then the Electoral College failed to fulfill its only purpose — to ensure that voters can’t even accidentally put an incompetent demagogue in the White House.

Yeah, I knew what I was getting. That’s why I voted against the sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, incestual, paranoid, idiotic, treasonous, poorphobic, greedy, eduphobic, evil, climate denying shit pile.

I never understood why people think wearing the American Flag is patriotic when it violates the Flag etiquette.

I was going to see this anyway because Fred Melamed— but now I’m even more intrigued. Thanks!

That new Ken doll is cute and seems fun. Barbie is going to have a great time bearding for him.

Schrödinger’s tapes.

So 100% there’s some kind of tape out there somewhere, right?

WAIT Wait wait... They still make Entertainment Weekly?

Important Relevant Abraham Lincoln Hotness Factoid: He once had a shirtless broadsword duel in a mud pit.

If you want more information on that, AND YOU SHOULD, here you go. Back when young Lincoln was a member of the state legislature of Illinois he was challenged to a duel by James Shields, a local lawyer. Apparently

Yeah, I know, a single-digit loss in a district R’s won by 20 points last year, blah blah blah. Anybody else depressed as fuck right now? We are stuck with Trump and his evil brethren for the foreseeable future, and if there’s anything worse than Trump, it’s Trump thinking he won something. That’s Trump at maximum

Things are broken, Karen, because you give purposefully “broad” answers to questions so that you’re not required to pick a side or have an opinion, and then get pissy when someone tries to make you give an actual answer.

Some of them are affiliated with local church groups, as Gothamist writes, including Church at the Rock in Brooklyn, Grace Baptist Church in Woodlawn, and Bright Dawn Ministries in Brooklyn.

Seeing Paul Ryan lose would be amazing.

“Washington and defend his liberal special interest friends.”