
Trump tweets are like Nixon’s tapes

They watched “American Psycho” and thought it was a self-help movie.

The tax returns will show that he has money, and all of it comes from Russian banks / mobsters. He is so beholden to Russia that he cannot ever get out from under the giant conflict of interest cloud that represents. Trump’s “money” is likely so dirty it generates its own compost.

Sloppy treason is just an insult.

God gave man dominion over woman, who is supposed to cook the chicken.

Little Tom in Big China

He’s 5' 7". It’s possibly the only place he’s considered big.

Obama Care victims... Dafuq?

My new favorite Tom Cruise anecdote is that Christian Bale based his performance in American Psycho on Tom Cruise’s 97 interview with Letterman interview. “He was aggressively likable but had dead eyes.”

Even though you just explained how the Mummy ended up in Iraq Cheryl, it’s still very very very very fucking stupid.

they probably have 2 nannys per each kid, they should be ok. Also joke is funny. Also finally normal kids names.

Perhaps my outrage meter is improperly calibrated. I thought the joke was that Amal is an amazing super hero and she handled the birth like a champ and George - not a strong amazing woman - is a basket case.

Can you imagine FDR tweeting “Pathetic excuse by PM Winston Churchill who had to think fast on his “Keep Calm & Carry On” remark. Sad!”

when did we stop extreme vetting our presidents?

Well of course that’s worse because it destroys a man, where actual sexual assault typically destroys a woman and I think we all know whose life is more valuable here.

“Why doth the peasantry fret so o’er this ‘Black Death’? ” ~Lord Pence, c. 1350 

“For some reason, this issue of atomic bombs has become a paramount issue for the Japanese.” - Mike Pence, circa 1945

Totally agree— For some reason she totally and inexplicably pushes all my good buttons. Don’t even really know why, but I embrace it completely.