
Probably all racists are.

Trump’s core voters.

America, you’ve got some fucking problems.

His wife even refuses to touch him

trump can’t wait to visit exotic Persia and Constantinople on his foreign adventures!

There is a 0% chance that 45 doesn’t say something totally insane, even for him, on this trip. It is going to be long, boring, and he won’t be able to go golfing. He is going to be grouchy as a baby on a roadtrip with a dirty diaper.

Does this mean Putin went to Jared, too? I love it.

although it may keep you out from underneath his stubby, grasping fingers, which is certainly something.

Bass? Dropped.

Has Fan Bingbing *ever* had a bad look?

I saw this comment on a similar article elsewhere and I love it so much that I want to share:

I am sure I will watch the movie but I love that the trailer has that sort of “70's dingy” to the whole look of it. Like they shot it thru some kind of yellow filter or color matched it to old photos you might find in your dad’s desk from a family trip back in the day he ran thru a Foto Mat afterwards.

I like people who leak without getting captured.


So, basically Trump is like the person in high school who goes and tells the gossip of a friend to the “cool kids”he’s trying to impress. So, now his friend hates him and the cool kids he’s trying to impress still talk shit about him behind his back. But, he thinks he’s like totally IN with the cool kids. I mean they

Trump gave up more intel in 5 minutes with the Russians than John McCain did in 5 years of torture from the North Vietnamese.

It’s OK, you guys. The WaPo comment section assures me that this is FAKE NEWS.

Who, among many other achievements, bestowed upon us the Bechdel test.

Just in case anyone forgot: this is the Alison Bechdel of DYKES TO WATCH OUT FOR.