
This is the worst week so far of his presidency, isn’t it? It’s a parody of a mockery of a travesty of a sham of a degraded videotape duplicate version of a presidency....

women are making this nation worth saving

Want to know more about our President? How about this:

Fortunately for our democracy, there are checks and balances that keep the President honest. Russian checks and Cayman Island balance sheets.

I hardly ever get to use this GIF so let’s pretend that’ Putin’s dong.

It’s even more stunning how his unyielding stupidity is never a dealbreaker for a third of the electorate.

It is stunning how fucking dumb trump is.

i thought Trump was the Russian listening device.

Jason Chaffetz can eat every bag of dicks. He might be the biggest douchewizard in Washington.

Also; Jason Chaffetz is calling for an investigation into Comey’s firing.

“Well, I never!”

I think he fired Comey (at least in part) because Comey said he felt nauseated at the thought he might have influenced the election. I think when Trump heard that, he didn’t hear a man in what should be an apolitical job regretting he had inadvertently had an effect on politics, he heard, “I feel nauseated I helped

Congratulations, grads. You managed to take one of the more boring experiences of life (sitting and listening to people dispense mindless platitudes about life) and turn it into an exciting event filled with drama and tension. And you got to make Betsy DeVos appear deeply uncomfortable. You kids are awesome, and

A secret to Alien’s success: actual 70s actors who looked like real people (Yaphet, Ian, Harry Dean, the non-Ripley chick) instead of grime-free, antiseptic refugees from a fashion shoot (Fassbender, Idris, Charlize, Noomi) who coincidentally had to mouth just shit-poor dialogue.

I think we all know that the “Trump Presidential Library” is just going to be a giant, flat-screen computer monitor scrolling tweets.

Nixon tried something similar during Watergate. I am not saying that Trump or his people committed treason or a high crime, just that this is the move that a petty dictator who committed treason or a high crime might pull.

Just more proof that Trump isnt the amazing business leaderso many people give him credit for. Ive said for a long time that starting with a bunch of money and dealing in Real Estate speculation doesnt make you a business virtuoso it usually just means you have good timing (or often not, based on all the

Isn’t that the whole point of democracy, if your boss is acting like a tool?