
Vive le France! We drove the Nazis out 72 years ago. No way in hell are they coming back.

Joe Scarborough has the weirdest head-size to facial feature-size ratio I’ve ever seen.

Equilibrium is pretty good if you shut down the critical thinking parts of your brain.

Entrapment for Catherine Zeta Jones

2006's Ultraviolet with Milla Jovovich. 9% Rotten Tomatoes, 4.4 IMDb.

Remember when we used to be able to put little square boxes with comments on the photos here? I miss that.

Acting like they’d won the superbowl when it hasn’t even passed in the Senate yet, to say nothing of the moral shittiness of the bill itself.

I don’t always agree with him but I am always interested in why I don’t agree with him

grace zabriskie is underappreciated. an american treasure. no one can do mild, insidious evil like her. she’s one of the few actor’s I’d actually be star struck to meet

Maybe they sang it because they know those republicans just signed their pink slips. There’s no getting re elected after this.

He thinks he’s Henry V, Hamlet, the most brilliant director who ever lived. He’s gotten way too smug and precious for me.

BREAKING: America dead, wrapped in plastic.

I AM a Poirot superfan (actually Agatha superfan, I own every single book she’s written including the atrocious romance novels she wrote under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott). I’m such a superfan in fact that my purse has WWPD printed on one side and WWMMD on the other- Agatha fans will get what this means ; ) Greatest

No, worries, mademoiselle, the oldest hipster in Brooklyn is on the case.

...and the Breitbart reporter seems really disappointed that Trump’s beautiful wall isn’t the grand statement of American isolationism that he hoped it to be

🎶 Just another dick and a wall 🎶

Spicer: “The president has an EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE, FULLY ENGORGED PENIS!!!” *storms off*

Between Austin Powers and Galaxy Quest, the late 90's may be the best time ever for affectionate parodies of 60's-era intellectual properties.