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It’s utterly disgraceful that he was even given press credentials. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but it’s still outrageous that a troll like Cernovich is basically endorsed by the White House. Also his voice is whiny because he’s probably on steroids, among other things.

Dickerson gets credit not only for asking AND THEN FOLLOWING UP, but the way he asked. “But I’m asking you, because you don’t want it to be fake news. I want to hear it from President Trump” and “But I want to know your opinions. You’re the president of the United States” are such great lines that should appear in

Trump: I don’t stand by anything.

I cannot get enough of this Fyre Festival Failure. Its SO funny to me. Keep the updates coming!

I think the bandana was suppose to indicate where he wished his penis to reach down to.


You guys are probably too young to remember the “Chachi is a heartthrob years”, but even though he was a sex symbol, people really never related to him like they do other celebs. Random aside: he tried to start a trend by wearing a bandana tied around the thigh of his jeans all the time. It was so stupid.

As someone with family in South Korea, what the everloving fuck, is this?!

Oh, you mean the Sellers movie Myers stole his later ideas from?

The Party, with Peter Sellers.

Two options: lock him the fuck up or give him immunity so he rolls on trump. Anything else is unacceptable.

He went a bit crazy on Every element and font you can use

Hope they don’t forget the Hans Zimmer of the past, Bernard Herrmann.

CEOs getting what they deserve is a slightly more populist option...

I would have a modicum of respect for scum like Le Pen(is) and Gorka if they at least had the personal integrity to stand behind their awful beliefs.

The backwardness of the “drugs pouring over the border” angle is astounding. First, most all of the weed smoked in the US these days is grown here. No one wants to smoke the Mexican product. Second, the the drugs that are ruining the rust belt are prescription opioids, made by the companies that funded his goddamned

Neat news!

Also this..