
“I am not a racist.”

Among their picks are The Manchurian Candidate.

Jefferson Bureaugard Sessions III is worse than Betsy DeVos.

There’s so much to unpack here. Have you noticed that it’s harmful federal intrusion when trying to protect civil right but if a state legalizes pot that state is over stepping?

Did Jesus hotbox the oval office??

I about lost my damn mind over some of the coverage I saw of that. “Melania Trump had to remind her husband of this during the pledge”...for fuck’s sake, don’t sugar coat it. The fucking president can’t manage what millions of first graders do every morning.

I’ve been waiting all day for Barf Bag just to share this.

He can’t seem to find a way to monetize it, so no.

Just more evidence that American politics is less about ideas and beliefs than it is about tribalism.

It’s obvious to me, if not to reporters, that Trump’s supporters will stick with him so long as he doesn’t back off on issues of race. That’s the only thing his hardcore supporters care about. He backs off on immigration or the Muslim ban or fires the Nazis in his adminstration, like Bannon, and they’ll turn. They

Sooo they’re trying to block abortion by denying funds used for contraception, which is actually the most efficient way to *prevent* abortions. This “pro-life” movement is not really about preventing abortions. It’s about (and always has been about) policing the sexual behavior of women and limiting their family

Is everyone forgetting that the *Republicans* could have passed this without a single Democrat getting on board, and didn’t? Why is anyone playing into the narrative that the Democrats were the problem.

You know, I’m starting to think this guy isn’t as good a negotiator as he claims he is.

Thanks to Mel Brooks, at least we don’t have to wonder what the recruitment process for the extra border patrol agents will look like.

I’m a feminist. But I still watch and enjoy Woody Allen movies. You can enjoy the art that shitty people make. Infact most people who make great things are usually pretty shitty people. I get if people can’t always disconnect though.

Wow. It would be so much easier just to admit you’re gay, suck a cock, get over yourself and finally enjoy life.

No no no. He didn’t deny that Hitler gassed Jews. He denied that Hitler gassed German citizens.

April Ryan has always had my respect, but in the last 3 months she has become one of my fucking HEROES. This woman is holding the line for truth and decency against hordes of terrible, dumb, evil old white dudes. She and Maxine Waters are keeping my soul alive.

Holocaust centers.

I like that the guy whose job is to concisely relay information to the press, is unable to make a statement without issuing a clarification to explain his original clarification.