
Donald Trump and his kids are winning; the rest of us, not so much with the winning.

Well, Trump has surpassed Clinton on the number of golf games thus far Trump=17 vs Clinton=3 . Trump has spent roughly 1/3 of Obama’s vacation expenses in 11 weeks vs Obummer’s 8 years, so I guess there are historic levels of............. something ........ during Trump’ first 100 days.

informed industry colleagues of the pending closure of the 18-year-old agency

Please pay no attention to the fact I warned them ahead of time and made sure not to hit anything important.

No, you usually hit runways with guided ordinance designed to penetrate down to the concrete slabs beneath the top coat of asphalt which is far more difficult and time-consuming to fix. The Tomahawk cruise missile isn’t designed for that sort of application.

This video should be shown to libertarians, followed by “this is what happens when corporations are no longer ‘tied down’ by government.”

I assume the other party in the murder suicide was a grizzly bear.

This is easily the most disturbing, creepiest American presidency ever.

Those aren’t cheeseballs, that’s his boss!

It’s so curious that these conspiracy hunters find themselves - the one time there does seem to be a genuine conspiracy going on - on the wrong side of it and refuse to believe it.

It’s amazing that there hasn’t been any real effort to get Dilbert canceled, I’ll say that. Scott Adams is a trash human being and some days I’m genuinely ashamed to admit I ever enjoyed his comics.

I’m beginning to wonder if tonight won’t be a turning point as far as impeachment goes. Notifying Russia instead of Congress before bombing Syria isn’t going to go over well with the House and Senate.

I’ll make it easy for him… We all live together in Chicago at 1060 West Addison!

I really hope you’re right cause this is getting exhausting.

Trump? Abusing his power? Say it ain’t so.

Bannon looks like a guy who bets on the Special Olympics

That’s not the substance of this article, which was written by a religious person, at all.

Yeah, all this really tells me is none of these guys work with women. There’s nothing noble about refusing to eat lunch with a coworker.

Weird so many of these conservative guys fuck all their male friends after they grab a bite to eat.

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.