
Oh, they’ll try. But here’s the difference between Stalin and Hitler and Trump. Stalin had to deal with Russians. Hitler had to deal with Germans. Trump has to deal with Americans.

I’m submitting a revolutionary design comprised almost entirely of pipe cleaners and tissue paper. It’ll be a breakthrough!

So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.

Leslie Jones should sit in as Trump. Doesn’t have to say a word. Just sit next to the comic and pout.

Yeah, not sure why everyone is missing the context, here. This isn’t a sign of strength, but a sign that the media is on the right trail. Like, Trump is being cornered.


“No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary.

Am I the only one who thinks of Jonathan Brandis and then gets sad whenever SeaQuest is mentioned? Yes, I’m an old, for certain values of “old.”

Am I the only one who tells them when they don’t get the job done? My Type A-ness doesn’t allow me to quietly have my time wasted. If you finish and I don’t you best believe you’re hearing about it.

Stop making up fake band names.

Ooh, can they include the impacts of back-alley abortions, women and children who are forced to live in poverty because they came pregnant in unstable situations, statistical trends and scientific analysis, and the full story?

The difference is: being funny.

Kellyanne Conway is like most of the conservative women who mock feminism because they don’t understand it. She doesn’t have what it takes to be a leader, to advance the cause of women, or to do anything that is actually helpful. She criticizes feminism without any sense of irony because she believes that she is so

Trump’s gonna show them this One Weird Trick that he guarantees will revitalize our economy*.

“Donald Trump makes Mexicans not important to people who are in Arkansas who like Mexicans, like me and my grandma and all my family,” Toby Smith, age 7, told Cotton to loud cheers from the packed auditorium. “And he’s deleting all the parks and PBS kids just to make a wall. He shouldn’t do that. He shouldn’t.”

If this election has proven anything it’s that Republicans like money, their own reflections and hurting people, in that order.

This reminded me of The Cabinet of Dr. Calagari only not dark.

It’s easier to be content and happy when you need to overcome actual challenges in life.

A cis woman doing drag is just burlesque, Bobby.

Yes, he loves “Which one are you?” and “What’s her name again?”