
Well, just because someone isn't aware of something doesn't mean it hasn't happened. I know I've seen plenty of comments like that.

You wish

Exactly. That just further leads me to believe that those glimpses of the future we saw were just all up in Leslie's imagination. Although if that's the case then I guess we all know now how little she thinks of Tom.

Oh god, I had no idea there was a book on that. How depressing. Now I have to read it.

Aren't they going to have to replace Boom Boom though?

I think people are holding out for Nextwave.

side project feat that Shadowman guy.

Thank you so much for the tip! I'll definitely track it down!

This is an interesting comment as I don't run into many people who list Black Panther as their favorite. What would you compare the Christopher Priest series to? I've never heard of it but am always interested in taking a shot a different titles.

Damn, beat me to it

Paging Wesley Snipes

I think she's just writing a few issues. But still that's good news. If we've learned anything from previous experience, once a writer steps foot onto X-Men territory that's usually a good indicator. But I think for the time being I'm enjoying her more solo, intimate approach too much to want to see her on a big,

It's a shame. I was excited after seeing Mahmud Asrar's art but . . . nothing happened. I don't understand it when people can't make a moderately entertaining x-title.

Which is a good position for her but a little lame as I have a growing affinity for G Willow Wilson.

*tips fedora

Yeah I'm aware of that. With this and the constant renumbering of titles back to #1 it kind of confirms my thoughts on how having a high turnaround on titles seem to be the most cost effective thing for Marvel similar to British television and short run series. Or at least that's how I compare it.

I read an article (not sure of its validity) about how Marvel is trying to focus more on digital sales. So the less physical titles they have to deal with the better or that high turnaround between titles is beneficial to them. I guess almost like raising the price point is a way to weed out the titles that aren't

That's what I figured.

Oy. Even if you were being biased (which I don't think you were) this sounds . . . not so good. Maybe it's my unfamiliarity with Spidey titles but why is it so difficult to introduce new SUCCESSFUL elements into the Spideyverse? Is it editorial's reliance on keeping Spider-Man a character that the general public is