
That picture is of the Cheesecake Factory in the Hancock Tower in Chicago isn’t it? I recognize that weird-ass totally nonsensical awning anywhere.

The cop’s only “mental disorder” is “trained to be racist,” just like the rest of the cops of the force.

I will address point by point:

I understand that because you have a tiny brain you have more trouble than the usual person understanding the role of journalists in interpreting academic studies for the public, so here is extra help:

Yes, this is how politics work. You vote, then you’re stuck with the outcome. So fucking do other shit: organize in your local districts, flood your reps and senators with calls, support any and every court case you can, and START ORGANIZING FOR 2018 RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Happily, jackass:

I find this reply insanely hypocritical. Black Americans are never, EVER considered “innocent until proven guilty.” George Zimmerman MURDERED, in racially motivated COLD BLOOD, a INNOCENT teenager because he was black. Yanez emptied his clip into Philando Castile IN FRONT OF HIS GIRLFRIEND’S DAUGHTER because he was

I really, truly just plain do not understand how you see this video and acquit the officer. This is murder. Straight up fucking murder. Of a lawful, good man whose only crime was to be black in America.

Not to diminish your overall point, but Eric Garner wasn’t shot. Eric Garner was choked to death by a police officer for selling loose cigarettes.

Iced tea is gross. It’s weird cold leaf water. I can hack a mango iced tea lemonade thingie from Starbucks (and I don’t even like my hot tea sweet), but iced tea is nasty. I’d rather just drink cold juice. And I do.

Those people are figments of your imagination/NRA propaganda.

Studies have found that the amount of home ownership in a state correlates with its suicide rate — more guns, more suicides — and show that the presence of a gun in the home, especially one that is not kept unloaded and locked in a safe, drastically increases the chances that a suicidal impulse will be acted upon.

Actually, that’s not true and there’s historical documentation of it. As hunting and sport shooting declined in popularity over the course of the 20th century, and as post-Civil Rights conservative politics took aim at continuing marginalization of people of color by making “crime” a “inner city” (aka: black people)

The NRA doesn’t defend the right to bear arms. The NRA defends the gun manufacturer’s right to profit wildly off of mass murder.

That belief is completely and utterly wrong.

I don’t like it when Marco Rubio does things that make me like him a tiny bit. Harumph.

“I don’t like hitting people because words, do you?”

That sure as hell sounds like you’re saying it’s OK to say the N-word and people shouldn’t get so bent out of shape.

You still haven’t explained why you think it’s OK to call black people the N-word. We’re waiting.

Good. She deserved it. Racist piece of shit.

‘Sup, racist? How’s your night going?