
WAIT THAT’S A FOX??? I thought that was a Bambi. That’s totally a bambi filter right???

“That Mexican Thing” turned into a viral hashtag excoriating Mike Pence for being racist and further diminishing the Trump/Pence ticket among Latino voters.

Look, men in relationships are solely responsible for remaining honest and faithful in those relationships but, um, Angie’s got a bit of a type, doesn’t she?

They always lose their minds when someone points out the racist double standard of the 2nd amendment. Totally shatters their worldview. Good work!

Of course. Because the 2nd Amendment only applies to white people. Any person of color with a gun must be a criminal; any white person with a gun must be an upstanding citizen protecting the Constitution.

Honestly, I think losing half a middle finger can really add some oomph to flipping the bird. Just ask Rahm Emanuel. He’s proof, at least, that it’s not a hindrance.

It never ceases to amaze me how so many people believe her accusation under police pressure is evidence of guilt. There are reams and reams and decades upon decades of evidence showing how police interrogation and pressure elicit false confessions, false accusations, false statements ALL THE TIME from completely

Chicago rules. Seriously.

It’s the knee socks. So many knee socks.

The DA’s office believed they could not prove the case because so much evidence was contradictory, inconclusive, and pointed away from the family. You know, like the DNA evidence.

Why? I mean, seriously: receipts.

Leon Kelly said there is no evidence of ongoing sexual abuse of JonBenet Ramsey, not that she wasn’t sexually assaulted at the time of her murder. Even the head BPD investigator said she was sexually assaulted as part of the crime, though he thinks it was part of the staging. It’s the prior sexual abuse that is in

Actually, there were two DNA samples taken from her underpants, one of which yielded only a 5 marker DNA profile and the other of which was significantly larger (and certainly not trace) that yielded a 10 marker DNA profile. It did not come from the manufacturer. It also matched DNA found on her long johns (not fresh

I think the intruder, whoever he was, absolutely had his eye on JonBenet for a while be it through pageants or in the neighborhood or even as someone who knew the family. I don’t think it HAS to come from someone who knew them well, but certainly it seems like she had been their focus for a while which is pretty

Then what is your point.

Literally anything other than what actually happened would have been a better, easier cover-up. Again with Occam’s Razor: this requires so many contortions to make the family did it, thus the family likely did not do it.

Murdering a child is not “pretty absurd.” It is unfortunately more common than often suggested.

I don’t think Werner Spitz should be a trusted sole source in this at all. But it’s worth noting that the article I linked you to is from 1999, and references the original pathologist and the original autopsy report that stated she had been sexually assaulted at the time of the murder. That coroner did not state or

I mean, it’s not? The most recent documented number I was able to find was for 2008 and that was almost 1,500 child murders according to the DOJ. It’s, unfortunately, not uncommon.

Is it unbelievable that a family might try to cover for the crime of a child? Of course not. But again, most parents upon finding that one child has severely injured the other call 911. Burke would not have been legally culpable. They would not have lost that second child. What’s doubly unbelievable is that they would