
And again: The DNA sample inside the underwear and on the waistband of her longjohns MATCH EACH OTHER. The odds that they both come from the same factory worker are so astronomically high as to be impossible. The family did not do it. An intruder did.

“But now with the chat out of the bag, he was asked if there was anything he wished to take back, add to, or clarify.

I’ll check out the Discovery ID doc. You should totally check out the A&E one, it’s REALLY well done with a ton of access to investigators, actual casefiles, and DNA evidence.


I haven’t watched CBS’s, but I watched A&E’s and I’ve read analysis of the case by several profilers over the years and none of the actual evidence points to the family.

There’s no evidence of a pattern of sexual abuse - what a medical examiner noticed was vaginitis, which is really common in children and can be caused by anything from physical trauma to chemicals in laundry detergent. There’s also evidence of defense wounds around the ligature used to strangle her, which means she

There’s nothing that points to it being in the family, though. Despite media leaks, Patsy’s handwriting was never actually matched to the ransom note. The DNA found on the body definitively did NOT match anyone in the family. There is literally no evidence to connect the family to the crime other than it happened to

So I watched the A&E doc which was really, really well done and spoke with a lot of investigators and basically entirely discounted this and every other family theory because there is DNA evidence and the DNA evidence clears the family.

Well, except Biden wiped the floor with her and made her look like a fool. So never lose all hope.

Brendan, you are the last person I wanted to see migrate over to the Slot and that I have to read your incredibly bad takes all the time now makes me very sad.

I heard an interview with an EMT on NPR one afternoon about the consequences of using Narcan on people overdosing on speedballs. It counteracts the heroin right quick, which leaves you with a suddenly-awake addict who is high as everloving fuck on cocaine. It sounded terrifying.

Just plain, well tailored clothes.

The truest.

From your first reply: “If you don’t think she was clearly sniffing for a way to sidestep FOIA requirements, then I think you’re kidding yourself. “

Um. Hi, conspiracy dude. You... are nuts?

Except all this email chain actually indicates is Hillary wanted to know how to keep using her Blackberry as SoS. She doesn’t ask how to set up private email, she asks him what the restrictions on using his Blackberry were. Read her email. There is nothing it in “clearly” indicating she wanted to keep stuff out of the


Sidestepping the mindblowing hypocrisy of people who refuse to level the same scrutiny at Powell’s actions than they do at Clinton’s because they are blind to the depth of the social conditioning to hate all women who obtain power... DAMN, the Blackberry addiction is real.