
I’ll haul it.

That probably because it’s a horrible car for American. Look at it. Horrible. But orange does look cool.

Ay first. If enough men are punished by the gun. It would change. Men would think twice about groping or touching a woman.

It should have been instinct to draw your gun and shoot that fucker.

Na man. You shoot him. You pipe up say you feared for your life and lawyer up. Fuckin. Done. Let the lawyers sort it out. Just make sure it’s a gun you won’t miss because they’ll take it till it’s resolved.

I am a firm believer in women caring. Look if enough fuckers get shot for inappropriate touching it changes. It’s weird how that type of extreme shit within our country is necessary. If I’m at the bar a woman says to a guy don’t touch me and he fucking plays it off me she reaches for her 38 revolver and pops

Yeah I believe you.

Yoga is bullshit. I said it. What are you going to do about it huh?

Na brosef. We drive our truck. Pull off the road and bang one out. No uner here fam.

Yes yes. This is exactly what I tell my girl. Let’s go right now because we don’t know many rides I have left before I have to pop a pill

Yeah. Everything you just said sounds awful. Wow!

Yeah my girlfriend and I prefer before and after and if we’re lucky on the way there too. Sometimes we skip dinner all together. Just saying don’t limit yourself. Be free.

This happened to my father. He is a commercial truck driver. Long time ago he was working hauling broccoli from fields to a packing shed. It’s raining late at night and he has one more trailer to haul. The open trailer area is muddy and hard to drive in. He backs up and boom the trailers front legs just strip to the

I’m looking to buy a crew cab lariat 4x4 hemi before year end. What pricing is reasonable.

Horses are rarely for work? Where are you from man?

Trump is border line retarded. Manic depressive or he is really on the drogas. This is coming from me an illegal immigrant who became a US citizen and as trump says has taken white American jobs. I am living the American dream Donald.

Is trump the new Cosby?

It may be civil war once all the trump supporters realize this guy is an idiot who lied and doesn’t care one bit about the lower and middle class of which we all know is disappearing. Anyone who honestly thinks this guy has any political or economic knowledge need to get it together.

Yeah man. I can tell you when I was in college. Sex sex sex was all we tried to get every weekend it was hit on girls at the bar. Throw parties to try and get laid. I will tell you never in public or in private did anyone ever say they would grab a woman by force. You don’t do that shit and you definitely don’t

What’s up with her face? Did she have more work done or is that excess Botox for the interview? Am I tripping?