You’re harping on the wrong clause. Hodge is just saying that nobody has ever had drugs be their friend. Inanimate object make terrible friends. I should know. I’m so lonely.
You’re harping on the wrong clause. Hodge is just saying that nobody has ever had drugs be their friend. Inanimate object make terrible friends. I should know. I’m so lonely.
I feel the same way about overly gigantic tie knots.
Yes, the bat hit the ump.
NBC is the fucking worst.
Make Baseball Racist Again.
He went on to reply “Everybody knows the bitches are at FS1".
#HotTake: This was intentionally done by a team employee who 1) thought it would be funny or 2) was making a statement about the team trading for him. Because the chance that this was a random occurrence- that song for that player- is zero.
This happened? Why would they omit him? I'm sorry, I haven't had coffee yet & am genuinely confused. No snark.
You know what would be REALLY repulsive? Hosting the Olympics in say, 2000 and parading pretty much every medalist in your nations history with one exception. The most recent male track and field medalist. The guy who happened to be on the podium when two African-American men made a black power salute. He would be…
It’s almost like the US TV deal is the most important source of revenue for the Olympics.
If the US dictated the Olympics, they would be in Chicago right now
Fun fact: The combined population of only the New York and Los Angeles Metropolitan Statistical Areas is 33.5 million.
Needs more Colbert.
Why is NBC dictating scheduling when they’ll just tape delay it anyway?
That’s ridiculous. An AL team would never sacrifice bundt.
The pad sensitivity came into play eight years ago in the race between Phelps and Milorad Cavic. Cavic reached the wall first but did not register a full “press” until 1/100th of a second after Phelps.
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
I really hope she or Simone biles get to carry the flag in the closing ceremony. I’ll give the slightest edge to Simone, just because of her personal life story. It’s a miracle to be where she is today.