Stoolie Sample

Now she can spend more time beating the shit out of her family.

What a fucking shit this woman is.

Seems like he was in denial.

People are dumb.

I don’t get it. Touching hands is a lot less physical contact than getting your ass handed to you.

It can only get better from here.

Now playing

Here you go. For context, not only was it a walk-off, but it was in the 15th inning.

from the BBC liveblog page....

Zachary D. Manprin: Cardinal Fan or Schiano Man?

That’s what officials get for buying flags that were Made in China.

Fuck off Piers, you’re just bitter because doping is the only way the UK stands a chance in any swimming event other than the men’s breaststroke.

I hope she struts around whistling “The Farmer in the Dell” for the rest of the Olympics

“If you come at the (Lilly)King

Brown people are so scary because they aren’t white!

What was he yelling?

I’m vaguely fascinated that this intoxicated man can run as fast as an olympic cyclist. Is there some kind of “caution flag” or something similar on at this time, or is Olympic Cycling way more leisurely than I thought?

Any translators in the audience?

Do your homework, guys. We all know that they don’t allow droids in the Mos Eisley Cantina.