
I am not even a PC gamer, but a remaster of a game that’s not even 5 years old, whose mods have pretty much “remade” the game to such extent that any effort on Bethesda’s part would just fall short?

I actually thought it was Elder Scrolls VI at first and got an excitement boner. I went soft immediantly after I realized my mistake.

Brace yourselves skyrim modders, the death threats, mod stealing and port begging console masses are here.

Oh thank god. I was really getting sick of the constant bashing of this movie by the writers who have not even seen the movie and just link the review to their own article in some witty quip like this as though its a collective opinion and the movie is universally fucked. I just watched it and I really, really liked

In my estimation, the majority of people who have disliked the movie fall into two categories:

If you go in expecting to hate the movie. You will hate the movie. While the movie is good, it is not good enough to turn around the haters.

You’re going to ruin my sick burn by revealing that I didn’t do Molten Core until we were all so high level it didn’t matter. Shhh. They can never know.

I saw it last night and honestly it’s a pretty good b movies. Far far far more watchable than X-Men: Apocalypse, which was a nightmare of a movie experience. War craft certainly isn’t the “Battlefield Earth” that some reviewers claimed it to be.

My wife went into it with barely any Warcraft experience and a basic love of fantasy films and came out happy.

Thanks for the counter-point and downright catty finish. You’re a fun read!

Awesome interview!

One person does not speak on behalf of the entire company unless his name is Mike Morhaime.

Longevity should come from the enjoyment of the gameplay, not the carrot that is loot boxes.

I haven’t seen any information on the Warcraft movie from a critic yet. Maybe I’ve missed a thorough review somewhere, but I haven’t seen anything on what franchise fans can expect, what newcomers to the IP might want to know, how things have changed from the game-to-movie transition, or any other information that

How about the real reason: it won’t make money. Vanilla WoW was terrible. People only played on those free servers because it was f-r-e-e, free.

Yeah they conned me once so i’m done with Destiny for the foreseeable future.

This sounds like the sort off stuff they should’ve launched with the base game instead of causing many customers and former fans (like myself) to refuse ever buying from the studio again given how much of a con “Year 1" was.

It's too complicated to do it the polished way they want to do it.

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