
Instantly better than 90% of the trash dlc that comes out.

destiny 2 the rise of more disappointment

No, don’t give these ppl your money.

The wording in the article is a bit misleading. The point of the GIF was to show how robotic her movements are with the mouse. It appears as if she is snapping between players with a perfect accel/decel timing.

Well, D.Va is f-ing terrible atm, so not really surprising.

Yeah. Being able to get 3 games in even if you just have like half an hour is amazing.

Accused of cheating? That's the highest form of compliment! I treat every hate msg on psn and xbl as a trophy.

I wish Yannick wasn’t let go from Kotaku. I would have loved to see more light shed on League of Legend’s rapid decline, as I feel he would have covered it more in depth than a passing Overwatch article. No offense to you Brian, the site has just been void of a majority of esports news since he was let go.

I never said anything about winning.....

Same here. Tried to jump in to try the new champion and to see some of the most recent patch changes but couldn’t handle the time investment. League just doesn’t respect my time, and so much of the actual game is filled with tedium. Overwatch, although not a terribly deep game, at least delivers maximum fun per minute

Yeah the average League game can easily run over 30 minutes and I look at that and can only think, “I can get in 3 games of Overwatch in that same span of time....” and stick with Overwatch.

That’s part of the reason HotS was so appealing to me, and why I’m still playing it every now and then.

Had the same problem when I first played HotS :( I was entirely unable to go back to LoL even though I played it for 2+ years.

They’re talking about Overwatch, not Heroes :D

Really, I think the hardest part is going back to the lengthy game times.

I haven’t played League since Overwatch came out and I don’t see myself going back anytime soon.

Wait, what does HotS has to do with anything?

IMO League of Legends is a bit behind in the times. Despite having billions of dollars in revenue from microtransactions and hundreds of employees, they release general content for the game at a glacial pace. It’s most dedicated players are becoming burned out on the game and ready to move on.