
I would hate to rain on anybody’s Righteous Indignation Parade, but I’m pretty sure that if I were a convicted white male rapist, nobody would care if you said as much. Calling it white male privilege is entirely without basis in fact, though I would imagine it feels really good. But just because it feels good for you

My friends and I have reported this profile multiple times to no avail.

Jeff’s response makes it seem like the community hasnt even scratched the surface of hints found in game.

That’s not how commas work.

I downloaded the “demo,” only to find out even a “demo” isn’t free. I couldn’t even try the game. Deleted it and I won’t give the company a dime.

I would have taken it down too. I’m is spelled with an apostrophe.

Don’t pay for it. It’s not a good game. Wait for the free version to try it.

People will just eat this shit right up to. Sad.

no no no, you see, you’re getting $160 in value! You’re paying for the value of in-game coins. For reasons.

the “$160 in value!” thing makes me laugh, like no you silly box, your made up in-game currency and characters skins have no real world value.

You have to pay money, to get into a beta, for a F2P game?

Wow. That’s a really cool D.Va skin.

Absolutely. Everything, and I mean everything, has become a polarized turf war. It isn’t just politics. Sports, electronics, foods, any tons of other topics are dominated by this same Us vs. Them attitude. I have seen friendships fall apart because people perceived certain actions as being “on the other team.” It’s

How does that ruin it? People have a responsibility to understand the issues before they vote.

I admit, I don’t see what you are upset about. He didn’t say liberals are informed, and conservatives are not. Is there a larger context for the tweet that is what you’re upset about?

Also, think of the sheer more amount of food that can be grown GM vs NGM. There are people starving all over the world that would happily eat a GM tomato sauce and GM wheat spaghetti that so many non-gmo preachers snub their noses at.

That is a factual statement.

Yes, but it’s true. Either you are informed, and informing yourself, or you are not and just accepting whatever is being spoon fed.

Kudos to you for putting up a balanced post. This is why it’s so hard to have a meaningful debate because both sides are too busy pointing the finger at each other to recognize that they are both full of shit.