
More Overwatch! I’ve become addicted, and that is from someone who isn’t a complete fan of multiplayer vs games.

We are all on limited time and basically all decided on one game.... Now I’ve got some buyer’s remorse we went with Battleborn... Oh well. Thanks for the heads up.

I enjoyed Battleborn and spent a good amount of time with it in both the beta and retail versions. Unfortunately, I feel Overwatch is superior in practically every way. If Battleborn was a B+ across the board, Overwatch is an A+. Just my opinion. Battleborn is still solid.

I think my favorite part about this whole thing is that every time it resurfaces, someone saves it in an even shittier quality than before. It’s been around for a few years now, and there was indeed a time when it more or less looked like a normal picture!

My friend who religiously played TF2 said this game was odd for him, because if TF3 was coming out, this is what he’d expect it to be like, but TF3 isn’t coming out, and this is a Blizzard game.

There’s a gulf of difference between letting a corporation dictate whatever rules it wants and customers agreeing to some fair and very basic rules.

While there are some people who are being hostile and condescending to you here, I’m genuinely curious how you can read the more reasonably worded responses you’ve gotten and completely disregard them.

Overwatch would have to have the largest security loophole in the known universe to allow a hacker to install a new program on YOUR computer through it.

Ok, that’s a bit extreme. I cannot imagine a scenario where a hacker installs a cheat program on somebody else’s computer just to get them banned.

Blizzard has a very good and dedicated support system for appealing wrongful bans or account locks. They can be reached by phone, by email, by the actual ticket system on their site, and all are actually answered, unlike the support lines for many companies.

That’s why you don’t cheat and go against the TOS of the multi billion dollar corporation. That’s all spelt out for you and you’re required to agree to those terms before playing. If these rules of zero tolerance for cheaters wasn’t spelt out and made a apparent from the get go I’d agree with you, being that they are

If you’ve got proof of a wrongful ban you can appeal it.

Hi, TF2 player here. Would you prefer the VAC system? Because you’re more than welcome to it.

A lot of people will get mistakenly banned for no reason like stated in the article above, that’s what makes it even more unfair.

To 1), Blizzard has the tools to go back and review matches in which cheating is being reported, so they’d be able to clearly see if somebody is or not.

Blizzard announced its cheating policy before the game was released. Global permabans. If someone chose to ignore that warning and cheated anyway, then bought another copy of the game to get around the ban... their problem. These are all choices the person makes, no one is forcing them to cheat or buy extra copies.

“if for any reason they can just ban you and keep the money that’s utter B.S. there should be a better way to deal with cheaters without stealing their money.”

Buying an online-only game is like joining a gym. You’re paying to be part of a community, and you must then follow the rules of that community. If you went to your gym and started harassing the other members or pissing on the equipment, you’d get banned from the gym. Do you think they’d refund your membership fee?

Mass bans are always fun to watch!

I love the idea that these despicable people rushed home after plopping down $50-$60 on a brand new game and were instantly banned again. “I’ve spent $200 on this game, and I can’t play it! I just want to be able to cheat and feel superior to others while simultaneously ruining the game for everyone else. Is that too