
The question is “Does anyone really care?”
I’ve been amazed at the amount of Nintendo fanboys who’ve actually stopped (if just temporarily) defending this company after the last 2 years... They’ve done ATROCIOUS work and a serious disservice to their fans with how they’ve treated the WII U. The NX just needs 1 stupid

Who cares really? MGS5 was a piece of shit game that didnt even care about its fans. Guy wanted to be a movie director so much he forgot how to make a game.


Because no philosopher ever has ever talked about crackpot theories or fell for them...

If you think that supports only provide healing then you don’t really understand the game.

I’d recommend you look up a bit of competitive play, Lucio is very popular in King of the Hill maps thanks to it speed utility and passive healing while still keeping a good damage output of his own. Mercy on the other hand, a well shielded Mercy that is, proves essential to holding lines in assault and payloads. One

Look up the hero usage for competitivr play, you’ll find that every team runs at least one Lucio (if not two).

I don’t even understand it. I’ve been accused of being a “tryhard” because I use a surround sound headset on my PC. Am I not supposed to try hard to win a game? Am I supposed to try less, and presumably lose? But that means that people upset at me when I beat them (invariably the ones who call me a “tryhard,” and I’m

I love Steam, but I do love that GoG versions of games always come with ‘goodies’ such as soundtracks, art books, developers vids, etc. Usually with Steam your lucky to get an OST once and awhile.

What makes OW more teamwork oriented than tf2?

rip Battleborn. Dead after 1 month in the field. Maybe they can do a free weekend during the summer and drop the price to 20 or 30 and get a temporary boost to the player pool.

as someone previously obsessed with K/D ratio (although never at the expense of the win. I will continually kamikaze bomb objectives to win the round!), this is so refreshing. Granted, I do have a pretty decent K/D ratio in Overwatch, but no one cares and people getting the props are support role players or the people

Depends on what you mean by “meat” when referring to a team based online shooter.

I’ve been playing largely on my own and am not bored with it yet, but I understand why others might run out of steam quicker. Blizzard says there is more coming, though, and they have a very good track record of post-launch support, so I’m hopeful.

I’ve played TF2, though I’d say my biggest team-based shooter was probably Battlefield, followed by maybe Monday Night Combat. All of these games are excellent in their own right but I wouldn’t say they were designed for teamwork in the same way Overwatch is....for example I have fond memories of playing as a medic in

Honestly, you had me at “kills are almost meaningless.” One of the things I miss most from the Halo 2 glory days is the fact that people actually worked as a team even in games that weren’t explicitly created to give everyone different roles (ala Team Fortress). Nowadays most people seem to be just as happy getting a

as a playa, naturally I will be playing da ladies.

You really need to read your Adam Smith: “It is not from the benevolence (kindness) of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”

And this TSA fiasco is not a product of under-funding. It is a holdup by public employees that we should not tolerate.

Let the private sector run airport security? We get stuffed into the plane quicker, companies get another layer of your personal data to tailor their ads for. Might be worth it.

Airlines have a very high incentive to ensure people get through their airports quickly and safely.

Wait. The private sector comes through again?