
It says in the article he turned it all off. Also Windows 10 has forced installs of “important” updates.

sounds like they turned off auto updates and still had this happen. I’ve been seeing a lot of reports that it doesnt really matter what you do, it will start downloading the update at some point

Tip #2 - Free doesn’t mean better.

Sure, but it’s also not as fun anymore. Game cares more about hats now.

I stopped reading after that.

Hey, self-awareness is powerful indeed. You would prefer that a person doesn’t grow over his/her lifetime and acknowledge that growth? I don’t think anyone is fully formed at 18, and those who do are typically 18 year olds.

That’s not entirely fair—a lot of teens aren’t really educated on the issues, and if their families and friends are conservative and that’s all they know, they’re more likely to lean conservative. I was the same way (sans boyfriend) because I was raised in a very conservative Christian environment. I grew up and then

My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.

Anyone else suspect that, somewhere, Rowling is like, “Oh shit, I never thought about that before... I mean, yup, that’s it! Good for you! You guys figured it out! I was eventually going to tweet it, anyway.

Agreed. These days I find gamers to over-analyze a lot, especially once competitive play comes into the picture.

I’ve played almost every big FPS out there, and I never even noticed this through beta and the last few days, and wouldn’t have if I didn't read this.

that issue you experienced seems more like the lag compensation more than tickrate.

When you guys do these stark rankings it usually works, but this one really begs for some clarification and explanation of criteria. I want to understand where you’re coming from!

Gameplay wise, he fits comfortably in most situations and team compositions, as is intended. His flexibility is a lot of fun to play.

I’m sure you haven’t. You should read up on that announcement made about how someone you get stomped by probably isn’t a cheater. I’m not saying there isn’t or won’t be, it’s a new game and people are going to do their damnedest to break it, but to say you’ve seen many cheaters and they’re running rampant already? I

I highly doubt there are that many cheaters.

Tip: Symmetra is horribly mislabeled, I mean HORRIBLY. She is NOT a support, she is closer to a defender. Just because someone on your team picks her, it does not mean you have the support role covered.

I’m primarily playing on console but everyone seems friendly. People thank me when I heal them, and we compare sprays as if they were valuable stickers in kindergarden. You might suck at first, but the learning curve isn’t as high as games like COD/Destiny/Battlefield.

Another one. Stop going in one at a god damn time

I 100% recommend turning on the kill feed in options. I don’t know why its off by default, but the information provided is very useful.