
So it worked! Sucker!

I’m stupidly curious about what type of beer they used, lol.

Wow another article about a game that literally just came out today! Who knew!!?

Many articles about a popular game on a video-game focused blog? Fuckin weird right? Whats next, the new star wars getting tons of articles on movie sites? The fuck is goin on around here?

Here comes the salt!

When the opposing team is on defense, and they have 2 Bastion’s and Torbjorn and my team has zero counters.. I know I’m in for a bad time.

Still love the game, though!

I mean, without teamwork, Bastion is probably just one of many problems you’ll face. :(

“With teamwork,”

This right here, is why people can’t beat Bastion. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen people charge at Bastion, die, and do it all again. Meanwhile, I’m picking a counter to go out of my way to kill Bastion, and if I get killed while trying to take out Bastion, I just see my teammates bodies piling

Ovewatch might be the first time I bought a game just because the character design. I’m pretty shit at it. Though I finally got a Play of the Game this morning and felt pretty good.

Alternate title: “I Clicked An Article I About A Game I Don’t Care For On This Free Website And Now I’m Upset!”

Yeah how strange of them to cover the most anticipated/popular game to be released in months! I don’t even care about Overwatch but at least I understand how gaming/nerd culture sites work. FFS.

Hmm, might as well show my D.Va while I’m here:

It’s not hard to ignore stuff you have little interest in. I’m lazy as fuck and still manage to ignore stuff.

Better than having five Destiny articles per day.

— this Kinja.

Welp, “Bae” is Danish for shit, so....

You forgot one: