
Yes I played Battleborn beta and that got me to pre-purchase Overwatch instead.

Overwatch! Overwatch! OOOOVVVVVVEEERRRRWWAATTCCHH1111!!one111exclamation!!!

Fuckin’ right, Overwatch Early Access!

I’m an unapologetic Gearbox fan, but Battleborn can suck it.

overwatch beta will be way better than the full battleborn game


I played the beta for a couple weeks. It plays well enough, it’s not “bad,” but I don’t like the visual style, and the humor seemed kind of forced and irritating. I am looking forward to Overwatch, though.

I’m a huge fan of Borderlands and I hated the Battleborn beta. Hated it.

I played two matches of the beta and promptly uninstalled it. I didn’t need to see any more. There’s no substitute for playing it yourself and people’s reactions will differ though (yes, some people love it, and the line for it at PAX was somewhat long).

Nope. Sorry. You do not punish players who exploited a terrible bug you let slip through. You fix the bug as fast as possible, but you DO NOT punish players for taking advantage of your bad QA.

You’re the one clicking on articles that apparently don’t interest you, champ.

It’s a niche game, driven to the west by a core audience of people that have devoted tons of time and dedication to it. Now that it’s got a semblance of mainstream popularity, you get folks crying that they need to be catered to as well. It’s silly and childish, of course fans will get upset about that.

There already is an optional easy mode. The game calls it “Jolly Co-operation!” I avail myself of it often because it’s fun.

Dark Souls has an easy mode. It’s summoning co-op players.

It’s just not for you. You’ve admitted to it, you can move on with your life.

I enjoyed all the RPGs you cited. But above all of them I love the Souls series. I was part of that group of people that played Demon’s Souls when it came out back in 2009. It was crazy hard, another level of gameplay that asked the player to get her/his game up a notch.
After all of these years putting 150+ hours to

You never die for unknown reasons. The reason is clear, you f’d up.

It's only been 3.5 years. Is it too soon to call the Wii U a colossal failure yet?

You're making it hard for me to defend you, Nintendo.

So goddammit, I basically bought a Wii U for nothing.

“Nintendo fans”