Stoney Tark

Nope. I think we killed it.

I got nothin’. It won’t come up going through either the main page or the direct link for the quiz. If this were a frustration level test, I’d fail.

I don’t know how, but I got Hamburgler style.

It’s what happens when an Excelsior class starship is in pursuit of an Imperial Star Cruiser and they reach the upper atmosphere of a planet. The starship fires its proton cannons, and the gravity of the planet bends the protons while the atmosphere ignites them just as the the Star Cruiser goes into hyperspace.

What the hell is a “proton arc”? I only ask because I am nowhere near any device where I could look up such information for myself.

I’m OK with this under one condition: all of the unsent e-mails must be scrubbed of any identifiers and published to a website for our amusement.

The trick is to replace a bad behavior with a good one: “Clicker trainers allow unwanted behaviors to disappear through lack of reinforcement. If a behavior is not rewarding to the animal, eventually it will disappear. If an unwanted behavior persists, clicker trainers study the behavior to understand why it is

So any advice on how to do clicker training with a rescue who goes bat shit insane whenever she sees another dog? We do clicker training with her, and she now knows touch, sit, down, stay, let’s go, and come. But it’s the elimination of bad behavior that I don’t know where to start.

Great question Andy. Everyone loves the pictures on real estate listings, but it’s important to look into the story they’re telling. For example a major red flag we sometimes see are interior pictures with the blinds closed over the windows - in most cases that means no views or sometimes even no real windows! Alway

I have never been crazy about her work but I think she is a really cool person. “Fuck it. Be a grown-up.” is really good advice for the workplace and your personal life.

“Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash if I’m singing solo, “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” if there's a lady present.

“No Diggity” by Blackstreet. Yes, you can do all of the verses on your own, and you will win the hour if you do.

“Add It Up” by Violent Femmes. Easy to sing, lends itself to showmanship, and can be effective as a flirtation device or to infuriate someone, depending on the audience.

“Bohemian Rhapsody,” preferably done with 4-5 friends to cover the various parts. It is both hilarious and a surefire crowd pleaser.

Your karaoke secret weapon: GO!

At least it wasn’t