Stoney Tark

Growing up my dad was (still is) a stone mason. “Going to the office” meant going to the quarry or some such rock pile off the side of some long forgotten dirt road. We spent many a long summer’s day hefting rock after rock after scalding rock into the truck. Added bonus: I grew up in Death Valley, CA.

Everytime, I just can't. I still have a really hard time believing this actually happened. :(

What do you care? You'll be dead.

Lol. I love this story, but I'm calling bullshit on the bondage regardless of how light it was. No 16 yr old kids have the propensity for that stuff. You're way to busy watching the door to get creative. Good story though.

Wow, yes this. I couldn't agree more. You've said it, I have nothing more to add really.

Ha! yes.

There are a lot of great videos/dvds for all levels online. It’s the only way I do it. You definitely don’t need a class or personal instructor.

But coins are dirty as fug.

These were all so very enjoyable!

I totally love this! Though I think it looks better with a nude/subtle lip. But I LOVE it!

Word. Now that's pretty hot.


Disagree. We can have both.

Some great advice in here. Related to the natural remedies part... I started saving/drying out my used peppermint tea bags and placing strategically around the kitchen cabinets. It has helped actually. (Keeps things smelling fresh too!)

Has anyone ever done the math: what these big/wealthy corps pay towards lobbying/electing friendly politicians vs. what they would pay if they were taxed more reasonably.

Ew... come on, ma.

Ok yes. That little wannabe ninja move made me stop and re-watch that part! WTF was that about?!?

okay, this is a terrible photo :( I actually came here looking for this one, as it’s one of my all time favorites. This is just a as it’s one of my all time favorites. This is just a ’s one of my all time favorites. This is just a as it's one of my all time favorites. This is just a really disappointing photo.

“We feed each other not-that-great poutine as a general pastime." Actually saw that shoot on location at a local beer bar once.

I generally either ignore my friends’ baby photos or occasionally like them on FB. But my oldest, best friend has the genuinely ugliest baby I've ever seen. The kid is going on two and just has not grown out of it. I love my friends (and their baby I guess) but I want to thumbs down every single pic they post of that