
After all the boring pay-off-debt-buy-a-house-stuff...HD version of KOTOR with some slight tweeks to the light side/dark side system. That’s really my only beef with that game. If the dark side is so dangerous and tempting, why is it SO easy to avoid it? It should be, for lack of a better word and please pardon the

The solution to your problem is simple. Have Kurt Russell play your dad in the movie about his life and you can have the best of both worlds!

No no. Those pics are photoshopped. There is not enough white balance in the world to make one’s raw photos THAT blue. And the second to last picture has been shopped to resemble the Kodachrome look of the 70s. Now if you’re using ‘photoshopped’ to mean that they ‘augmented’ the reality of the models’ bodies, well

Came here to make sure this was said. Was not disappointed.

I know. I will not go outside with out my Biore Aqua Riche slathered all over me.

I know. I will not go outside with out my Biore Aqua Riche slathered all over me.

My god. And I thought Auburn and Alabama were bad...

Google translate and poor spanish translates as "The women cyclists of Columbia headway in Europe." So Jon's title is pretty spot on as near as I can tell. Native speakers should correct me though.

Having just seen her video with JLo, I am now of the opinion that she cannot wear enough clothing to make up for that train wreck.

Oh good. Maybe it will actually come out some time this decade.

The late Bud Adams wouldn't let Houston buy the rights to the name "Oilers" so they had to come up with something else. My in-laws are Texans fans and Bud Adams is basically satan in that house.

From the ceiling of the Sistine chapel. Probably one of the more famous examples of tension in a static image.

The ageyo is strong in this post.

It looked like a painful crash. It's a credit to the rest of the riders that it didn't take out more of the peloton. I was surprised to see Froome in the top ten when we hadn't really seen Team Sky at all that day.

Just look at the mess T-ara got in when one of their girls quit. AKB48 is ingenious in that it doesn't really require the personal star power of any one girl to keep the group going. People will just find a new barely pubescent girl to fawn all over.

Oh god. The english voice over is that same woman they use in EVERY English instruction cd in Japan. GAAAAAH! I hate her voice. Her and that guy who sounds like he's constantly on downers.

It didn't really spoil anything but it added a LOT of fuel to the hype-train engine that went crashing over a cliff after the finale didn't have that person in it. Many people convinced themselves that the person had to show up because it 'paralleled the books' and 'it's time for that character to show up'. I've heard

Because she is a beautiful, magnificent troll and we love her for it.

Thank you for reaffirming my deep dislike of instagram.

They can't be that much of a monster if they paid for HBO and you got to watch Fraggle Rock. Maybe you were just napping when Reading Rainbow came on.

Your priorities are in the right place.