
Nah, fuck that. Fuck your “guns needs a spechul place in muh hurrt” snowflake bullshit. Guns are a goddamned tool. A thing to be regulated for the public good just like gasoline and fertilizer and yard signs and condoms. You fucking nutjobs jerking off to some toxic ideation that your guns are going to make you safe

North and South Korea(who are our allies, btw) are a unified delegation for the Olympics. Maybe being the bigger man and standing for our allies should mean more than trying to stick to ole’ Un, no?

I drink his tears. But only because they’re perfectly pH balanced to my body’s chakra and infused with minerals and a lemon flavor.

It’s the same old argument. How can the government be completely incompetent, yet control everything?

“Fight for Sean, he is a deplorable, just like us”

It probably has to with that amazing memo that’s gonna change the world. Once they release it all their enemies will melt. Obama, Hillay, The Dems, Socialist, SJWs, Left Media. They all melt to the awesome power of this memo and all of Trump’s problems go away. Trump becomes a God for white people and the planet turns

like the atrocious room service at the Ecuadorean embassy.  

Well, letting all you fucks in hasn’t done the Gizmodo sites any favors either.

Goodness, are the rightwing “deplorables” that stupid?

The Deep State wiped Article 14 from the records when they got Nixon. Tune your tin foil hat to channel 12 to receive Article 14 and all its glory from the Hillary led Martian sex colony on Pluto which is still a planet. Do not believe what the Deep State says about Pluto. And if this makes any sense to you then I

They ALL do.

You’re a genius, but you haven’t told me which pizza joint has all the kids in the basement yet!

Nowdays when you secretly record the villain saying something incriminating he becomes president.

False, my Illuminati Handbook only has 13 Articles. You’re obviously part of a misinformation campaign set up by the Deep State.

“extremely close to blowing up the whole deep state” - these goobers seem to get their idea of how governments fall from 80's movies where somebody secretly records a the villain saying something incriminating and then plays it for the crowd at the climax.

It’s quite simple once you wake up, sheeple! 1649 was the year of the Rump Parliament in England. What do English people like? Tea. Put a T in front of Rump, and you get Trump. What party has always supported Trump? The Tea Party. What sound does Sean’s last name end with? Tea. Also, the law can deal with shipping

Remember back at the start, when the internet was supposed to be the best of everything, shared by the best of everybody, making the world a more connected and better place?

Mike Hunt got trimmed. Sloppy scheduling.

...who doesn’t want a cup of sugar, after all?

A question I shout at the sky everyday