
Let’s just dispense with one fiction here: they weren’t ‘duped’ by Russian trolls. They were reassured. They were validated. They were comforted. And even now, their reaction to Twitter’s notification isn’t going to ‘un-dupe’ them. They’re going to double down, and assert that the Russians were right all along, and

The majority of Americans don’t like Trump (which is why he lost the popular vote). They can’t all possibly be libtard SJW’s.

you sound triggered by the president’s shitty listicle. do you need a kleenex?

Well, a random blog agrees with you, so it must be true.

See, this is how a culture of harassment and sexual assault works. Powerful men create the entertainment that trivialize harassment/assault and make it look sexy/appealing/funny. Then then use their power to either exploit women or cover it up when other men do so. Then when the women come forward, the whole world

Oh, copyright gave Christopher Tolkien final cut over the Rings trilogy? Are you sure that’s how it works? Because I’m not sure that’s how it works.

You do not have any idea what an adaptation is if your argument is “he had no choice and had to include this scene/ element/ tone/ character/ whatever.”

It’s the law that adaptations must be kept absolutely to the letter of the original and never be changed, which is why Michael Caine gave such a great performance as Tom Bombadil in Fellowship of the Ring

Yes, adultery is exactly the same as rape. Good work.

You clearly dont know many women.
If you think there are no women out there who love the idea of dancing for their man, then I feel super bad for you.

Just because you have weird sexual hang ups doesnt mean *no one likes the idea of being sexual with another person*. She was filling the Femme Fatale role of a

“ultimately the movie ends with him and his wife happy and in love together like nothing ever happened”

Why do you think it’s your job to speculate as to missing puzzle pieces? It’s not like news isn’t coming out regarding famous people all the time right now. Maybe wait for more details to actually come out rather than halfway accusing him of enabling rape because you didn’t like a scene in one of his movies. You don’t

By all means, criticize it for being dumb and making no sense. But uh, maybe don’t try to connect this plot point with something that happened outside the film? That’s really reaching.

Ah, the ol’ “emotional journey during a striptease” argument.

Fuck that shit. Someone who will assault a 12-year-old will do it regardless of the movie tone. Blaming Cameron is idiotic

It’s sad how wrong you are and how you said something utterly stupid and just won’t admit it. You’re the person who pisses his pants at the party and then thinks everyone else is wrong for having dry pants. You are just making a fool of yourself. They are two different things. You have no idea what you’re talking

You hijacked a comment thread about Eliza’s Dushku’s molestation and inserted your own brand of fake news. It’s instances like this that make jezebel a fucking cancer. You’re so completely out of line with this nonsense.

James Cameron is a notorious asshole and it’s entirely possible that the systemic mechanisms which allow assholes to thrive are the same mechanisms which allow a culture of protection for sexual abusers - in fact, it’s quite likely that’s the case - but it diminishes the trauma of survivors and it blurs too many

Jesus christ, thats a fucking leap.
What, everyone that ever knew this guy is now a rapist?

Pretty dangerous mentality.