
We’re talking about Megan Rapinoe getting million dollar contracts specifically because of her sexuality, and because she’s a very very good soccer player. But let’s not make any mistake, if she was a very good soccer player and she were not a very outspoken lesbian, she would be getting fewer contracts because she’s

His profile has been raised to the upper echelon since leaving SA. Whether it is his catch phrase, his laugh, or him beating the world devouring Warriors, people that are casually aware of the NBA now know who he is and he about to play in the country's second largest media market. His finances are fine without you

I am however pushing the idea that most americans definition of socialism is still very much the cold war era propaganda one, and that it’s a shame because there is nothing your country needs more than some socialism.

So if you meant that I was saying socialism = venezuela, bruh, read my comment again, that’s like, the

Don’t worry, the issue here isn’t her ideas, it’s the fact that your views of her ideas are deeply rooted in very bad cold war propaganda.

It’ll all be ok, socialism doesn’t hurt. Plus if it did, it’d be free anyways :D 

It’s infuriating how Trump and Neocons in general can just enact wars in Iraq and plan building walls without any media opposition but then someone like AOC comes in with Medicare 4 All and Green New Deal and suddenly the media is like “HOW ARE WE GOING 2 PAY FOR IT?????”

From Buzzfeed:

How many otherwise sad and lonely gamers in this world would find themselves sucked into this virtual world, catatonic on their couches for who knows how long at a time, but finally finding the physical and emotional connections that exist out of reach in their real lives?

Your dumb fucking ass has never seen Appalachia, or any other of the countless WHITE POOR shitholes in the USA that are just as crime ridden, polluted, and POOR. DUMB FUCKING FUCK.

White supremacists are the least convincing examples. I have never seen one that I would call successful, in terms of careers, income, and ability to attract women.

Hey, look! It’s a totally superior person wearing a pillowcase on his head!

Poor neighborhoods (“slums”, “ghettoes”) always look like that, you racist asshole.  America has simply arranged it so that they’re predominantly occupied by non-white faces, is all.  The consequences of poor education and desperate poverty look pretty much the same now as they did 200 years ago and in all other

White supremacy is what lead to that situation in the first place, my dude.

Whatever Alberto.  Let us know your opinion once you’re done with grammar school, okay?

Yeah those neighborhoods just randomly got that way from blackness, totally had nothing to do with institutional racism. Fun fact: There are still tons of people around today who were legally forbidden from getting a lot of jobs because of the color of their skin.

“Taking a tour,” huh? Of course, this is something you’ve never done in your entire life, nor have any of your friends and acquaintances. But you think you know all about “majority black neighborhoods,” having one time watched the 1993 hit film Menace 2 Society, a break-through performance for its young star Tyrin

Meanwhile the best arguments FOR white supremacy are made simply by taking a tour through any majority black neighborhood/city/country

That works only if you assume everyone is born into the exact same economic bracket in a society entirely devoid pf any kind of prejudice. This assumption has absolutely no evidence to support it, however.

Actually, those are arguments against white supremacy, given the relevant historical context: that those problems are caused largely be the fact that minorities are forced to live in a society built on the assumption of white supremacy, and therefore consisting of institutions built almost entirely by white people for

Have a better source than “Cult of Dusty” on Youtube, or is that what you’re rolling with?

Are you proud that someone can just make a video stating their opinions and cutting and editing raw footage, and trick you? Meanwhile, the thing you are calling a hoax is actually raw footage and this guy talking about it is “proof” of something? I’ll give you pointers: when a video is cut, there is an nterruption.