

Eventually, in a few years, once you get to voting age, you’ll look back at this comment in horror.
See you then.

oh, fuck off with your equivalence bullshit. 

It is the longform version of “if you disagree with me, you are a lockstep-thinking sheep, unworthy of recognition as a fellow human being—but if you agree with me, you are obviously of the enlightened few, capable of thinking for yourself.”

The disconnect between “disagree with me, and you’re a sheep, agree with me,

Also, deficit spending, breaking unions, the unholy alliance between the Republican party and Evangelical Christianity. A lot of what is wrong with America today started with Ronald Reagan’s Presidency.

I’d give you more stars for this if I could.

Let’s rewind the clock to about 1980 or so. Reagan picks up the baton of an anti-government platform from Barry Goldwater, after Goldwater’s acolytes effectively assumed control of the GOP. What followed was a systematic expungement of anyone and everyone that didn’t toe the party line, ultimately leading to the

He’s not debating in good faith and his comment history reveals nothing of any worth. He is a giant ass waste of time and he’s a concern troll to boot.

I’m not sure how any of that has anything to do with censorship. Plenty of businesses exist, despite having larger companies in competition with them. Competition is not censorship.

How is this censorship? Paypal is not restricting any speech at all, they’re not taking down Gab or preventing people from communicating using Gab. Paypal is exercising their free speech rights by ending a business relationship.  So how is that censorship?

Yep. Just a reminder that Germany has not allowed hate speech in public since 1949 and there have been very few neo-nazi-related deaths; certainly nothing like this. The causality Gab implies is completely self-serving. (And bullying, too: “Nice country you got here, hate to see anything happen to it.”)

It’s really good to see pushback to that effect on”globalism.” I can see skepticism of the concept as it relates to wage-suppressing and environmentally hazardous trade agreements, but 1) this guy means globalism as basically diversity and 2) he’s not talking about strenuous opposition but violent hatred.

If people can not express themselves through words, they will do so through violence.

I love when the free market and consumer pressure does exactly what it’s supposed to do. And I eagerly await our capitalist economy’s most ardent supporters furious outrage that the weapon they love to bludgeon others with turns out to not only have an actual edge that hasn’t been dulled but also cuts them just as

Rage monsters like to call us globalists.  Guilty as charged.  Call me a globalist. I care about everyone on the globe. It’s BECAUSE I’m a Jew.

I’ve never seen a person roll the dice so hard directly into their own nuts like that before.

I think you are extremely confused. Possibly more confused than anybody in the history of this planet has ever been. If there is alien life out there, your confusion would make them forgo Earth. If a grain of sand was the maximum amount of confusion to have been scientifically observed in a human being, we would need


According to Conservatives the Democrats, and George Soros are smart enough to create a massive false flag conspiracy to generate turnout (?) but they couldn’t figure out they should visit Wisconsin in a Presidential election?

Ah yes—because any time something untoward happens, and especially when it follows precipitating events like a fucking President that openly stokes fear and hatred of the press (and xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, nationalism—the list goes on for quite a while), it’s obviously just a dirty Liberal scheme

And I’m going to go ahead and say that if you have to twist yourself in knots and rely on unfounded conspiracy theories to make yourself and your politics seem less monstrous, you can 100% go fuck yourself.