
Not mine. Just pure greatness.

Scott Brooks was going to throw in that bloody towel, but discovered that it belonged to Tommy "Machine" Gunn and, instead, promptly made a doctor's appointment.

"I must break you"

Cleveland fans aren't allowed to complain about LeBron leaving ever again

Really? You've got the reigning rookie of the year, probably the most talented guy from last years draft waiting to play, you get either Parker, Wiggins or Embid, plus you get one more top 10 pick in what's considered a pretty decent draft. I don't see how you could hope for a better set up. That's about as good as

Oh no... It's The Ders!

I think Jimmy Page sharing a song with P Diddy for this movie was the biggest travesty of all.

It's all about "name and shame". I know that it gets lumped in as a "fascist lefty PC thought police tactic" or whatever, but at the end of the day - words have consequences. All of these people were more than free to keep their godawful bullshit to themselves, but they didn't, and that choice has consequences. The

a lot of times it forces the idiots to delete their accounts, which is a plus

Oh totally, I was just surprised that some well-meaning non-racists seems to suffer the same delusions.

There is quite a bit of overlap between racists and people who have no idea how the Constitution works.

What I found most interesting about your well-selected set of tweets is that most of them aren't Sterling apologists. They start with "Now, let's be clear, fuck that guy, BUT" which suggests that the misunderstanding of 1st Amendment is real, whereas I'd always suspected it was more a matter of convenient

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Twitter Knee Jerks are all pro-business until a business decides to act in its own self-interest. Weird, right?

Why is it that everyone forgets that it is the NBA's right to free speech to do what they did to Sterling? The First Amendment applies to being imprisoned for something you say...not having your professional life disrupted. If you say something stupid you deserve to suffer the consequences. The GOVERNMENT is the

Look, birds have to nudge their young out of the nest, right? This is pretty much just like that, except I've never had the urge to swing a lead pipe into a bird's nuts as hard as fucking possible.

You know what they say, "Joakim if they can't take a fuck"