
Two things: Last time neither team made beef, and reports stated Farrell even contacted the Yankees dugout during the game to ask for their guy to clean it up. Because as we all know, everyone does it, but some do it more discreetly. Discretion has and is the key here.

I live in Boston and I have to say, I hope at some point this season some opposing manager comes out and does the same thing with Clay Buchholz. Again, teams are reluctant to make an issue of it unless you're being an idiot about it, and Clay is an idiot about it.

I don't see anything wrong here.

ARod, though I don't like him as a person, did win a World Series. So did Johnny Damon. Eric Chavez is the lone guy on that list who did not.

Umm, fan of neither team here...but, do you not recall the century prior to the last decade in which the Yankees made the Red Sox their bitch on the regular?? Just curious.

Oh wow. Just wow. Where do the fuck do I start?

Because it assumes that all black people (and we know he's talking about black people with the mention of rap and hip-hop) do drugs, gang bang and have no respect for authority and do whatever they feel like doing.

No. You are wrong because when O'Reilly uses phrases like "hip-hop stuff," that is his way of letting his conservative audience know 'this is code for black kid,' then to insinuate they would swear at Caliparir and disrespect him is to say you know, 'black kids are always disrespectful.' I would love to see O'Reilly

So they go out with a girl and the girl said hey you raped me. There is drugs everywhere. They are giving the kids drugs for free. How do you keep them away from that?

I just find it hard to believe that there is anyone under the age of 75 who gives any credence to ANYTHING Bill O'Reilly says. Fox News wouldn't even exist except for the senile and the racist.

You do not know what the fuck you are talking about, yet, here you are, talking about it. It is not a valid discussion because it starts with a false premise.

Doesn't surprise me. Some people are dumb - that's not on the movie. The Kiwis at the seminar are those kind of people. There will always be people who eat this shit up. That's the point of that scene.

I really don't get the "shades of gray" part of Wolf of Wall Street. Name me one part of the movie where Jordan Belfort is not being a thoroughly awful human being. Name me one part of the movie where we are not meant to THINK Jordan Belfort is a thoroughly awful human being. Just one. I'll wait.

I read them and I disagree with your interpretation. It looked to me that on a number of occasions Martin was either trying to avoid Incognito or get him to tone it down. Additionally, it seems to me that Incognito initiated a majority of these texts. I can't recall for sure now, but I do believe that's the case. I

I don't think you have an understanding of bullying or mental health issues, including the intersection of them. Did you not read the information provided by the psychologist who was hired as a consulting expert in this case? Martin's behavior was fairly standard for a victim of bullying. Obviously, Martin has

The law is the law, whether it's an office or a locker room. Wussification has nothing to do with it.

Doesn't have anything to do with "wussification of america".
Such a thing doesn't exist.
NFL is a workplace like every other. And Moral harassment laws should be enforced there like anywhere else.
Any other company if you treat someone the way Martin was treated you're either immediately fired with just cause or sued

I like that we live in a world where #mybad and #nohardfeelings are totally solid apologies for endless harassment. Cool bro.

The amateur sociologist in me says: The remnants of the plantation mentality and white privilege and entitlement have allowed this man to believe that the black players on 'his' team are in servitude to 'his' organization. They are representatives of the plantation to which he pertains to and represents, the Tech

We should have a photoshopping contest with that guy at various sporting events: Jamaican bobsled run, Jordan's shot over Russell etc.