
Lolololololol. Pissbaby.

Lolololololol. Pissbaby.

Glad you left, Madeleine. Stay gone.

The Switzerland defense. Lol

‘Hey New Dude, that’s Implication over there. He chews at work. Such a proud rebel!’

You have a girlfriend or wife? If not, good luck finding one who’ll tolerate it.

Your company quite clearly doesn’t care about you. Read all your posts and that came pretty quickly to me. EEOC. EEOC.

Bedtime Stories, all pieces read by Werner Herzog.

Had a Haribo Happy Cola obsession throughout a 2 week trip to Alaska this spring. So great.  

Had a Haribo Happy Cola obsession throughout a 2 week trip to Alaska this spring. So great.  


You know that a lot of kids are born or forced into this, right?

Massive douche. Did ya ‘seen’ those things?

He’s an incredibly nice guy too. One of the really good dudes.

Says guy who believes everything he reads on the internet. Ever hear of hyperbole?

Billy is trolling harder than ever.

‘the true treasure in life is the glaciers of ice’

Hey look, a dipshit Trump voter!

Yeah, ummm, no.

Curse of the Billy Troll

Woke up this morning, walked into the living room to find a dozen candy wrappers on the coffee table. Milky Way Dark and Crispy Snickers. Washed them down with XXX Vitamin Water so all is good.

Oh, Billy. You’re such a troll.