
Doubling down on stupid. At least you’re consistent.

Prove it.

He doesn’t know what he’s talking about so confusion is the proper reaction.

Every Billy piece is a troll piece. It’s sad. Plus, dude doesn’t even know who Johan Cruyff was.

Liverpool are playing in Europe? Sure in as much as England and Wales are in Europe.

Times are tough for a Barca ‘supporter’, right. Nice fan piece.

Tee hee.

20 yards per attempt. Osweiler would love to have those numbers.

Publicly griped. Knowing Cruyff invented tiki taka is something any front running Barca fan should know. I feel bad for Billy.  

You’re trying to convince yourself you’re right that I’m like, all pissed off, as people on the internet do. It’s ok. It makes you feel better and I’m ok with that.

Don’t assign my feelings, please? Upset over a negative comment about a state I don’t live in? No.

Bullshit. Utah is fucking awesome and if you can’t get past the religion that’s your fault. Not everyone is Mormon.

I think this is the first time I’ve griped after one of his pieces. This is an egregious error.

Johan Cruyff would like to have a word with you re: tiki taka architecture.

Too close to home.

I’m from the Midwest myself, close enough to Chicago to visit often, so the accent is no biggie to me.

Nailed it. All of it.

Not on this one, champ

Sorry I wasted a keystroke on such an ignoramus. As you were.

You voted Trump absentee, I presume.