
"Don't care about it at all based on the name alone." Fuck, haven't read something so stupid in a long time.

Alonso will be on top this weekend.

Vettel's helmet actually looks like art. Hamilton's helmet looks like it was airbrushed by a 22-year old wannabe tattoo artist at some mall in suburban middle America.

I read the Top Gear review on it too. The 918 is FAST, but it's also a porker. It'll never be competing on the track with the Mclaren. It's 3,600 lbs to Mclaren's 3086 lbs and the Porsche has less power.... The Porsche is a neat car, and they seem to have really focused on making it a nice daily driver hypercar.

I didn't read what you said, but your username is all kinds of awesome so I automatically agree.

Now playing

Great movie indeed, but you also should watch the movie Gran Prix which was filmed about five years before Le Mans and features some of the best racing action evershown on a movie screen. Here are some Trailers:

Grandma Ida was black for two very important reasons (within show parameters.)

The obsidian dagger is called "dragon glass," and it's extremely rare in that world. In the book, we get to spy on Sam's thought process, and he discovers a cache of dragon glass that was buried by the first men, and he figures it must be useful for something if they went to such trouble to bury it, which is why he

This car reminds me of The Emperor's New Clothes. I love Lamborghini, but just because has the Prancing Bull on it doesn't mean I have to like it. Some of you may feel the need to defend this exercise, but at the end of the day the Emperor is naked. Fat, boorish and naked.

Lamborghini's design department hard at work.

I may be the first to say it, but I'm indifferent. It couldn't be more meh to me.

You can defend that car all you want Michael.

Listen, I like you. You seem like a nice guy. But you're wrong.

This car is also wrong, on so many levels.

The Countach? Gorgeous. It was insane in the Malaise era, when nothing, and I repeat, nothing, was insane. It gave something to boys around the world; A goal, and a

Harlem Shake, and Bake


While there is a worthwhile discussion to be had about how much Darwinism was involved here for these events to be set in motion to begin with, what always boggles my mind with these videos is why on earth, having documented your own shameful stupid moronic choices, you would then publish them to the merciless

"Hoda," said Hoda.

Every time I see the word "leaked" in a news story, I read it as the phrase "carefully released by a team of highly paid publicists," and everything seems so much more truthful and makes so much more sense.

obviously you don't watch New Girl; it's an amazing show and Zooey Deschanel is an extremely talented comic actress.

That is a 430 Scuderia. Just saying.

He also said later it gave him a chance to have a good look at the Williams cockpit and what all the settings were.......

1991 British GP. Mansell won, Senna ran out of gas on the final lap. Mansell picked him up on his victory lap and gave him a ride back to the pits on the sidepod of the car.