Jaime's love is pure. Cersei's? Not so much. The man deserves better.
That's not peaches with the penis on her forehead. She's the one in the background on playing in the keyboard wearing the cloak of boobs. I have been to a few Peaches concerts. And yes that boob cloak is to die for.
I def think you can be friends with, and even live with a person who wants to fuck you. I hate the whole concept of friend zoning, it reinforces the woman as sexual gatekeeper theory that evo psychs love to trot out when they aren't getting laid enough or to their standards.
I always like to imagine it said really passive-aggressively: "Well, I'm glad you came."
I really loved last night's episode. I laughed at Harry Crane bursting into the conference room and Pete's look of utter confusion and irritation.
"Female pilots have yet to encounter an opposing air force, or even a competent air defense network."
Tell ya what, you be the one to tell Col. Leavitt that her 300 combat hours behind the stick of an F-15E "don't count". Heck, she may laugh it off...but I bet the 6,400 men and women of the 4th Fighter-Interceptor Wing under her command wouldn't suggest it either.
Yes, Redsmoke does pretty good brisket. But Slows does better mac n' cheese. No comparison.
"...which is why all of my non-Detroit friends ask me to take them to Slows whenever they're in town, because apparently there's nowhere else to eat here."
Crazy Russians and their apparent lack of helmet knowledge...
Too urban to touch. You mean once you've been with a black man you become untouchable. What the Actuall Fuck?
Racist COTD. Nice job.
Elektra says hi.
Ahhhh! Guys! I work with these wolverines!! I'm so excited I don't even care about Hugh Hackman!
re: had his fingernails cut off
You're 'barfing' at that!? Really!? Get used to it, because, if they follow the books, Mr. Bolton is going to flay off more than that off his hand.
Other than a few notable exceptions, racing movies are pretty much all total crap. Sylvester Stallone's Driven…