Don't forget successfully hosting a Super Bowl in 06 and the Final Four in 09 both held actually in Downtown Detroit at Ford Field.
Don't forget successfully hosting a Super Bowl in 06 and the Final Four in 09 both held actually in Downtown Detroit at Ford Field.
Anything to support the city I love!!!
I'm a Michigan transplant to Texas, and I try to watch any Detroit-set or filmed show or movie because I get homesick (even Street Kings: Motor City and Alex Cross - ugh). I watched all of Detroit 187 going, "if this was on FX or HBO it would fit so much better, it's got no chance on ABC." The fact that they changed…
I know Pizza Papalis calls itself Chicago-style, it'll always be Detroit to me. I haven't been back in almost 10 years, but I can still taste it.
I would imagine that real Detroit style deep dish pizza would be what you can get at Shield's or Buddy's.
Just some more Glickenhaus fanboy worship. . . ;)
*Sigh* Why the only black guy in F1 gotta go make a rap album? Please just do this whole thing right and focus on your driving so I can continue living vicariously through you!
"Some big corporations, including Roger Penske and the Detroit Three, have donated $8 million to the city of Detroit to fund new police cars and ambulances"
Deja vu all over again. Vettel is Didier Pironi to Webber's Gilles Villeneuve, and Malaysia 2013 plays the role of San Marino 1982. The body language on the podium is spot on. I'd personally rather cheer for a non-winning Webber/Villeneuve than the Vettel/Pironi type. What Vettel will learn is that a win, or even…
Damn, i like Seb but that is a huge jackass move. what an ass. I would think someone as good as Seb would have an issue taking the win from someone who slowed down on team orders. Seb would have lost if not for the trust that Seb would slow down when told to and thus he knew he was winning on an unfair point.
No, it was a total douche move by Seb. It wasn't like he out-drove Mark or anything. Webber's engine mapping was turned down; Seb was supposed to do the same, but he passed his crippled teammate instead. Jerk.
If Vettel did indeed have the faster car, he'd have been able to pass Webber without him dialing back to cruise mode, and you could see him trying without success. It was a dick move.
It can be said that not only was Enzo Ferrari responsible for Ferrari cars, he was responsible for the fact that the Cobra, Ford GT and Lamborghini were made just to spite him. One might also include Lotus in that list because beating the old man was high on Colin Chapman's list.
McLaren - We've improved our aerodynamics to make the world's best supercar
Maybe it's because I grew up watching Magnum PI and Miami Vice, but I've always considered the 308 and the Daytona to be the two most beautiful designs. Actually I liked the 328 a little better with the extra row of lights down below.