Stone Cold Steve Autism

Yeah. All those fucking douchey male....oh.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and call this the dumbest fucking comment I’ve ever read on this blog. And that is saying A LOT.

You’re going to see what you want to see. If you have a boner for identity politics then you are going to see racism and sexism smeared all over this election. If you have a boner for economic justice, then you are going to blame the Democrats for not reaching out to all poor people and not just minorities.

Did she? What was it? What specific policies did she outline that would help the working class? Blue collar workers? Not the middle class and suburban soccer moms? Is she did, she did a piss poor job of getting that message out there. She focused on culture war shit and not on the micros of the economy.


Oh, you’re right. I’m not suggesting Trump is the savior of the working class! lol


No, she offered ideas for the middle class, not the working class. You’re talking about Clinton like she was some champion of the working poor. She couldn’t even get behind a $15 minimum wage.

I think it’s both. Yes, it was a massive strategic blunder to take Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania voters for granted. It was also a strategic policy blunder for the Democrats and the Clinton campaign to have no outreach for the needs of blue collar, primarily white, families. It’s also a shocking blunder

I’m awful. You are the one harassing me.


You used the word “shitheel” already. Try to think of something new.

Suck an ENORMOUS bag of dicks. Please. Thanks.


A slur? Do you even know what a slur is?


I’m a progressive, not a neo-liberal Democrat like yourself. You probably have greater affinity for supply-side economics than I ever would.

Suck a bag of dicks.

While Trump talked about “the working class,” she carefully focused on “the middle class.” She mentioned tuition breaks and family friendly work places far more often than she talked about investment in infrastructure and jobs.

I don’t think you understand how campaigning works...