Stone Cold Steve Autism

“Between 1947 and 1979, real wages for an average meatpacking worker, adjusted for inflation, increased by around 80%, reaching almost $40,000 per year, a salary that could support a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. But between 1979 and 2012, the average meat packer’s wage declined by nearly 30 percent, to about

I did, and I was disgusted. I was disgusted and appalled by Trump the entire time and horrified by his election.

You’ve singled out Pennsylvania. Yet, Michigan and Wisconsin don’t produce coal. She never set foot in Wisconsin. Didn’t care.

Trump’s actions and the reasons people voted for him are two different things.

You are demonstrably wrong.

Not only are you autistic, but you are also apparently insane. I’ve dismissed all of your replies.

Yes. Hillary was bad. Trump is worse. Was I arguing otherwise? My point wasn’t that Trump was the savior of the working class, merely that he was the only candidate that really paid them any attention.


You clearly don’t get it.

This article from the Atlantic (not a right wing publication) does a great job of explaining when, how, and why the Democratic Party abandoned white, blue collar workers.

Agree 100%.

Obama did well in those areas with those same people. Maybe pay them some attention like he did? Rather than not even bothering to campaign in Wisconsin for example?

Of course there was a racial component. White working class voters especially in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were taken for granted by Clinton and courted by Trump.


And you’re statement only cements that belief in the minds of poor, white voters.

We can debate the merits and failure of the Electoral College all day and it won’t change a thing. The bottom line is that Hillary failed to address the issues affecting the largest voting bloc in America, and lost key states they should have won.

For the last 50 years Democratic voters have only been able to view the world through a racial lens. Any issue seems to have a racial tinge to it. So when they lost, they were quick to blame racism.

Yes, and perhaps I should have been more clear - the Democratic Party, the mainstream standard-bearer for leftism abandoned the labor movement and the working class.

That’s a fair criticism, but also a gross generalization.

Great. And leftist - those who truly have the best interests of minorities at heart - will continue to lose elections.